Captain America: Throughout the Ages
Captain America Comics 9

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Comic Description: Captain America Comics 9
Grade: 1.8
Certification #: 1047243004
Owner: Raphael11


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: Captain America: Throughout the Ages  Score: 198
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

Signed by Stan Lee who contributed to a story and has an article on the Letters Page.

This is another grail book for me. I had been telling myself that 2012 would be the year I add a Golden Age Captain America book to my collection.

What was important to me was that is be from the WWII era, that it have both Cap and Bucky on the cover and I had a budget for myself. This book came up and fit all the criteria, and to top it off, this book is in the single digits for numbering. Even luckier is that I have the hardcover Cap collection that collects the first 10 issues from the Golden Age series, so I can also read the contents too!

I'm very happy to add this book to my collection.

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