
Total Comic Registry Points: 174,428 Rank: 248

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Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Action Comics #301-#500 OstAction 52350 22
Action Comics (2011) New 52 - All Variants OstAction52 1024 33
Adventure Comics #32-#503 OstAdventure 952018533 9
Aero (2019) All Variants OST Aero 1432 4
Alias (2001) OST Alias 1364 15
All Star Batman & Robin, the Boy Wonder (2005) All Variants Ost Batman All-Star 1350 58
All-Star Comics #58-#74 (1976) OstAllStar 171002260 4
Amazing Adventures #1-#39 (1970) OstAmazing 35854165 7
Amazing Spider-Man (2014) All Variants Ost Parker Returns 2180 76
Amazing Spider-Man (Complete) LEGACY OstSpider 601395 411
Amazing Spider-Man (Complete with Variants) LEGACY OstSpider 2 1025 388
Astonishing Tales (1970) Any Variant OstAstonishing 30834218 15
Astonishing X-Men (2017) All Variants Astonishing Ost X variant 1132 12
Atom #1-#45 OstAtom 1215 79
Avengers #1-#503 OstAvengers 1832788 99
Avengers (1998) All Variants Ost Avengers Vol 3 1165 9
Avengers (2010) All Variants Ost Avengers 4th series 2264 16
Avengers/Invaders (2008) All Variants OstInvaders2 36120 6


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Batman (2011) New 52 - All Variants OstBatman52 62134 60
Batman (2016) Rebirth - All Variants Reborn OST Batman 60203 24
Batman Family OstFamily 630543 9
Batman Incorporated (2012) OstBatmanInk 1215 11
Batman One-Shots BatmanOST One 101143 35
Batman: Damned (2018) Ost Batman Black Label 685511 3
Batman: Three Jokers Ost Bat Jokers 1464 11
Black Lightning OstLightning 21836 12
Blackest Night Blackest Ostrick 1132 30
Brave and the Bold #1-#200 OstBraveBold 1683655 46
Brave and the Bold (2007) Ost New B&B 1232 7


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Captain Action (DC) OstCaptainAction 240329 8
Captain America #100-#454 OstCaptAmerica 50132780 55
Captain America v3 Ost America 3rd Series 1148 5
Captain Marvel (1968) OstMarvel 30422657 33
Captain Marvel (2019) Ost Capt Marvel returns 2164 16
Cat (Marvel 1972) OstCat 375406 10
Champions (1975) All Variants OstChampions 627420 19
Civil War (2006) (#1-#7 Plus Variants Only) Ost Civil War 1 26110 9
Crisis on Infinite Earths (1985) OstCrisis 216208 66


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Daredevil #1-#310 OstDaredevil 72866 128
Daredevil (1998) Any Variant OstDaredevil2 21750 7
Dazzler OstDazzler 12160 26
DC 100 Page Books 100Ost 862435 11
DC Comics Presents OstDCPresents 1065 83
DC Bronze Age 1st Issues (1970-1979) Ost Bronze All-Stars 1283100 15
DC Special (1968) OstSpecial 13443380 2
DC Super Stars OstSuperStars 10551159 2
Death of the New Gods Ost New Gods supposed Death 11128 2
Defenders (1972) OstDefenders 1161024 20
Detective Comics #1-#500 OstDetective 2143790 18
Detective Comics (Complete) LEGACY Complete Ost Detective 2213820 36
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