
Total Comic Registry Points: 1,964,570 Rank: 12

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Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Action Comics #1-#100 JoeyDs Action Jackson 886543 16
Action Comics #1-#300 JoeyD's Action Jackson 1-300 315236 10
Adventure Comics #32-#503 FollowJoeyToTheAdventure!! 617751 18
All Star Comics #1-#57 (1940) JoeyD's BackUp AS Keys 1111667 25
All Star Comics #1-#57 (1940) JoeyDsYourAllStar 3578024 6
All-American Comics #1-#102 (1939) JoeyD's GoldKey 104050 15
Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 1-25 JoeyD's Top Spideez 83027242 50
Amazing Spider-Man (Complete) LEGACY Joey D's Back Up Spideez 2078700 46
Amazing Spider-Man (Complete) LEGACY JoeyDs Spideeeeys 212134699 24
Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 1st Appearances Any Variant Joey'sSpideyFirsts 4319727 23
Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 1st Appearances Any Variant Unnamed set - 107434 101732 53
Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 1st Appearances Any Variant Unnamed set - 107435 323262 44
Aquaman (1962) JoeyDUnderwater? 231304 13
Atom #1-#45 JoeyD's Shrinking To Size 242938 13
Avengers #1-#100 AvengeWithJoeyD 7759422 16
Avengers #1-#100 JoeyD's BackUp Avenging 116600 99
Avengers #1-#100 Unnamed set - 105511 1111000 68
Avengers #1-#250 JoeyD's Big Backup Beautiful Av1 1029480 26


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Batman #101-#200 Joey'sBats 54783 59
Brave and the Bold #1-#200 just da big'guns! 9422454 10
Brave and the Bold #28-#30 Joey D's Backing Up BB BackUps 310023142 4
Brave and the Bold #28-#30 JoeyD Loves the JLA 310038118 2
Brave and the Bold #28-#30 JoeyDsBackUpBBs 310023250 3


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Captain Marvel Adventures (1941) JoeyD's Golden Age Cap Marvs 10220 40
Comic Cavalcade Joey Ds CC1 (1940) 111500 5
Conan the Barbarian #1-#24 JoeyD and his Barbarian 143750 61


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Daredevil #1-#157 JoeyDIsTheDaredevil 4232543 15
Daredevil #1-#80 JoeysOtherDDs 1114000 17
Detective Comics #27-#200 JoeyTecTastics! 313079 37
Detective Comics #201-#300 Joey'sMartianMan 112205 8


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Fantastic Four (1961) Silver Age Joey'sLuvvy4Subby! 108136 131
Fantastic Four (1961) Silver Age JoeyD's FFs Which Pleaze 343163642 35
Flash #105-#350 BackUp Flashs 6218331 16
Flash #105-#350 FlashMyJoeyDs 10325614 12
Flash #105-#350 JoeyD says more Barry Allen! 202955 54


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
G.I. Combat (1952) Joey'sG.I.Cs! 31810 13
Green Lantern (1941) Joey D's GA GL 123800 3
Green Lantern (1941) Unnamed set - 105510 121095 9
Green Lantern (1960) #1-#89 JoeyDPartiesWithHalJordan 883002 48
Green Lantern (1960) #1-#89 joeys D's Big Boy Hal 117370 29


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
House of Secrets #81-#154 JoeyD's Feeling Swampy 117200 9
Human Torch (1940) JoeyDs Torched! 378670 2


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Incredible Hulk (1962) #1-#6 Joey D's Hulkalicious! 46653606 18


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Journey Into Mystery #1-#82 Joey'sAtlasNum1Coll_JIM 111045 22
Journey Into Mystery #83-#125 JoeyD's Got Plenty of Journey into Mysterys! 4936512 22
Journey Into Mystery #83-#125 JoeyD's Journey into Mysterys! 492629 135
Journey Into Mystery #83-#125 JoeyD's BackUp Beautiful BIg JIM83 1230800 25
Justice League of America (1963) #1-#100 JoeyD Real JLA Top 5 969652566 2
Justice League of America (1963) #1-#100 JoeyDs JLA Undercopies 282813249 10
Justice League of America (1963) #1-#100 Unnamed set - 107428 113200 41
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