
Total Comic Registry Points: 288,819 Rank: 140

Gopher753's Bio
A comic reader and collector since I was a kid. I dragged my collection around with me from my parent's home to college and grad school to wherever I worked. Now it's grown to an out of control size and I've decided to have CGC grade some of my favorites and my best books. Most books were bought from the newstands when they came out, and later from the comic book stores.


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Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Action Comics #301-#500 Superman in Action (more complete) The original home of Superman 21715 15
Action Comics #501-#800 Gopher's Action Comics Superman's first home. 1096 15
Adam Warlock Key Issues Gopher's Warlocks 1st appearing as Him in the Fa (...) 13418775 7
Adventure Comics #32-#503 Adventure - LSH This title features Superboy. (...) 2857630 20
Air Pirates Funnies (1972) Comix Dan O'Neil's infamous (...) 125300 7
Alan Moore's DC Universe Alan Moore's DC Set As the set name implies, this (...) 10581674 4
Alias (2001) Jessica Jones' 1st Marvel comic was in their MAX line. Jessica Jones' 1st Marvel (...) 725240 4
All Star Comics #1-#57 (1940) The First Super-Hero Super-Team All-Star Comics began as an an (...) 35983 45
Amazing Spider-Man (Complete) LEGACY Gopher's ASM Really? Who here needs a desc (...) 704923 285
American Flagg (1983) Howard Chaykin's American Flagg One of my favorite comics is H (...) 1223372 3
Astonishing X-Men (2005) Astonishing X-Men set I Marvel created a new X-Men tit (...) 1040 51
Atom #1-#45 Atom DC's Silver Age shrinking (...) 7142930 14
Avengers #1-#250 Avengers - Silver Marvel's Mightiest Heroes (...) 1866439 64
Avengers Limited Series & One-Shots Avengers Additional Assembling Avengers mini-series 44120 4


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Batman #201-#300 Gopher's Batman Starting with the Neal Adam (...) 3310650 21
Batman: The Cult Batman the Cult Batman mini-series with story (...) 4100172 6
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #1-#4 Batman - Dark Knight Returns Frank Miller's masterpiece (...) 410840 43
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #1-#4 DKR 2 A set of duplicates of Frank M (...) 410525
Batman: The Killing Joke (1988) All Variants Alan Moore's The Killing Joke Alan Moore's and Brian Bol (...) 161143 16
Bernie Wrightson Cover Set Gopher's Bernie Wrightson Covers Bernie Wrightson R.I.P. 16816930 5
Bernie Wrightson DC Horror Cover Set Wrightson DC Horror Covers of DC comics by Bernie (...) 112116745 4
Bill Sienkiewicz Covers Amazing Bill Sienkiewicz Covers Amazing Bill Sienkiewicz Cover (...) 2064 32
Black Orchid (Complete) Black Orchid Gopher's Black Orchid, fea (...) 1224 4
Blue Beetle (Charlton) Gopher's Charlton Blue Beetles I have fond memories of the Ch (...) 210330 6
Brave and the Bold #1-#200 Brave and the Bold - Early Silver When I started reading comics, (...) 1154582 39


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Captain America #100-#200 Silver Age Captain America The Steranko issues 214133 24
Captain Atom (Charlton) Gopher's Charlton Captain Atoms Dick Gordiano edited a much be (...) 213140 9
Captain Marvel #25-#34 Starlin Jim Starlin's Captain Marvels - duplicates This is the duplicates of my p (...) 9902969
Captain Marvel #25-#34 Starlin Starlin Captain Marvels Jim Starlin's seminal Capt (...) 8806200 4
Captain Marvel (1968) Kree Captain Marvel Marvel's Kree Captain Marv (...) 11156419 12
Cerebus the Aardvark #0-#113 Cerebus - Early Dave Sim's alternative com (...) 24215738 5
Cerebus the Aardvark #0-#300 Cerebus Complete Set Dave Sim's Cerebus the Aar (...) 2796445 3
Chamber of Darkness Chamber of Darkness Marvel's horror book 111270 20
Conan the Barbarian #1-#24 Gopher's Conans Barry Windsor-Smith's Cona (...) 156015510 16
Cosmic Odyssey Gopher's Cosmic Odyssey A Jim Starlin and Mike Mignola (...) 410096 4
Cry For Dawn #1-#9 Gopher's Cry For Dawn I like this one for their beau (...) 1428 51


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Daredevil (1964) 158-191 Miller Run Gopher's Daredevils Marvel's Man Without Fear 18484564 46
Dave Stevens Covers - LEGACY Dave Stevens Covers Covers by Dave Stevens 84418 22
DC Comics Presents DC Team-Ups The second DC team-up book, th (...) 32195 48
Death: The High Cost of Living Death: The High Cost of Living A Vertigo mini-series featurin (...) 350165 9
Defenders (1972) Gopher's Defenders Marvel's non-team team whi (...) 1020 141
Detective Comics #401-#500 Detective Comics - Englehart/Rogers One of my favorite runs featur (...) 10103818 18
Doctor Strange (1974) Doctor Strange Marvel Mystic Doctor Stephen Strange was an (...) 671418 7
Doom Patrol (1964) Drake/Premiani Doom Patrol Drake and Premiani created the (...) 613383 12
Doom Patrol (1987) Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol This early series by Grant Mor (...) 89336 2
Doorway to Nightmare Gopher's Doorways to Nightmare DC Mystery comic featuring Mic (...) 480370 2
Dreadstar (1982) Jim Starlin's Dreadstar One of the first books publish (...) 57288 4


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
East of West (2013) Any Variant Hickman/Dragotta's East of West An interesting SF world 1232 5
Elseworlds Gopher's Elseworlds In 1994 DC published a set of (...) 1032 13
Epic Illustrated Epic Illustrated magazines Marvel published a magazine fo (...) 1261 18
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