Mad Cop

Total Comic Registry Points: 123,826 Rank: 347

Mad Cop's Bio
I originally started collecting comics in middle school, mostly beat up 12 cent copies of Daredevil, ASM, and Batman. I loved the old stories and the fact that old comics are pure Americana. My buddy, who lived just across the street, used to trade comics with me in his garage it seemed like everyday. We used to hash out many deals, creating great childhood memories in the process. When I went to college, so went my love of comics. My focus was more on studying, football games and women. Comics were NOT cool in my early 20s. But after I graduated, got a nice job, a nice home, a nice girlfriend, and settled down, I found comics again. This time, the love was for graded comics. No more fear of restoration or fear of buying online. I was hooked. My main love now is golden age Batman and Detective. Oh and by the way, I have nothing to do with law enforcement, Mad cop is a Texas hold'em nickname.


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Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
All Top Comics (1945) Non stop all top 4221430 5
Amazing Spider-Man #1-#441 Very random ASM 2967252 116


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Batman #1-#100 Bat Attack 171716266 20
Batman (Complete) LEGACY Corked Bats 29329726 17
Batman: The Killing Joke (1988) All Variants Joke of a set 1645 38
Brave and the Bold #1-#200 2nd Best Neal Adams Cover 10100 182


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Captain America #100-#200 Mike’s Caps 21567 81


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Dagar Desert Hawk Bondage and Headlights 333434 3
Daredevil #1-#310 Random Daredevil 1544993 49
Detective Comics #27-#200 Where does he get those wonderful toys? This set is my main focus. I (...) 1327561869 8
Detective Comics (Complete) LEGACY This town needs an enema! 1411163820 5
Detective Comics (Original Large Logo #1-#113) Old tecs 585034485 2
Doctor Strange (1968) Stranger Things 16938 34


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Fantastic Four Lee-Kirby #1-#102 Brennan’s FF 101960 205
Flash #105-#350 Silver Flash 20660 105


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Golden Age Joker Cover Set Classic Joker 12447942 2
Green Lantern (1941) 2nd Best GA Robot Cover 12800 11


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Infinity Gauntlet (1991) Limited Series Avengers 2.0 116360 45


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Jungle Comics Mike’s jcs 31617 11


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Marvel Spotlight (1971) Werewolf by moon knight 26623 131
Moon Knight (1980) You can’t have knight without the moon 12100 67


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Silver Surfer #1-#18 Surfin the galaxy 15770 180
Star Wars (1977) #1-#107 LEGACY Brennan’s Star Wars 21870 158


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Werewolf By Night (1972) Any Variant Werewolf v. Moon Knight 242128 60
Wolverine Limited Series (1982) Michigan Wolverine 120270 196


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
X-Men (1963) 1-300 Any Variant He chose brand x 925913 94
X-Men (1963) 94-143 Any Variant Insert Clever X Phrase Here 8155313 174

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