
Total Comic Registry Points: 14,548 Rank: 1547

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Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Adventures of Superman (1987) All Variants Big Blue Boyscout 1048 30
Adventures of the Jaguar (1961) Archie’s first super-hero 1653 2
Amazing Spider-Man (Complete with Variants) LEGACY Spidey 10165 336
Aquaman (2003) aquaman 1124 4
Astonishing Ant-Man (2015) All Variants Scott Lang!!! 3972 1
Avengers #1-#250 Older Avenge 101200 122


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Battle Chasers Red Monika… and friends 1315 22
Black Widow (2014) Natasha's red treats 1226 3
Blue Devil (DC Comics) Devil's in the details 2856 2
Budd Root Cover Set King Budd’s Beauties 288808 4


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Captain America #100-#454 Cap’N the Werewolf 30105 238
Captain America v4 Here comes Winter Soldier 1332 5
Captain Marvel (1968) O.G. Captain Marvel 2287 118
Care Bears (Marvel) CB Stare!!!! 1532 2
Catwoman (1993) Jim Balent's Catwoman 1124 17
Cavewoman Prehistoric Pinups Cavewomans Pinups 1524 3
Cavewoman: Ankha's Revenge (2016) Cave Brawl 22864 2
Cavewoman: Hunt Budd's Beauty 26648 1
Cavewoman: Mutation (2012) Meriem and a Mutant 24064 1
Cavewoman: Oasis (2013) Cave Bondage 13332 1
Cavewoman: Raptorella (2016) Dino's versus Babes 13332 1
Cavewoman: Snow (2011) Is it cold in here? 33796 1


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Dazzler Allison 12160 27
Devil Dinosaur #1-#9 Devil Dinosaur 111160 16
Doctor Strange (1968) The Doctor is In 16113 86
Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural (2009) The Dark Magic Avenger 23364 1


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Fantastic Four (2018) All Variants Welcome Back! 1032 14
Fantastic Four (Complete) LEGACY Ben and Sue and Reed and Johnny 50353 377
Fantastic Four (Complete) LEGACY Ben and Sue and Reed and Johnny 1032 497
FF (2013) Antmans Fantastic Four 1324 6
Frankenstein (1973) Marvel Fire Bad 1529 40
Fury of Firestorm (1982) #1-#64 Firestorm 2288 10


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Generation X Emma's second team 1148 4
Ghost Rider (2005) MK Rider 11150 8
Green Lantern (1960) My power 1014 100
Green Lantern (1990) All Variants Green Lantern Vol. 3 52168 11
Green Lantern (2005) Hal Jordan GL 2150 28
Green Lantern: Rebirth Green Lantern: Rebirth 323115 14
Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) Guardians of the Galaxy 1365 3


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Harley Quinn and Power Girl (2015) Harleen and P.G. 11224 5
Havok & Wolverine - Meltdown Logan and Alex 12532 7
Hellina (Avatar/Boundless) Hot and Heavy 2480 1
Hero For Hire (1972) Sweet Chrimmy 1690 51
Hillbilly Devil's Cleaver 11224 2
House of X (Complete) Krakoa Forever 1140 18


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Immortal Hulk (2018) All Variants Night Creature 1020 40
Incredible Hercules Incredible Hercules 1240 2
Incredible Hulk (1968) #102-#474 All Variants All for the Wolvie 40541 233


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Journey Into Mystery Thor and Herc 10315 39
Jungle Fantasy Limited Series & One-Shots Holla’s And Dino’s 1224 5
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