
Total Comic Registry Points: 656,737 Rank: 60

comicwine's Bio
I have been collecting comics for over 40 years. I am a big fan of Neal Adams and continue to pursue many of his comics while getting them all slabbed by CGC. Other favorite comics are books with art by Bernie Wrightson, Mike Kaluta and X-Men books.


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Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Action Comics #1-#500 Phil's Collectibles - Neal Adams Issues 1321725 19
Adventure Comics #32-#503 Phil's Collectibles - 1st Black Orchid 10400 98
Adventure Comics #32-#503 Phil's Collectibles - Adventure Run 20240 113
Adventures of Bob Hope (1950) Phil’s Collectibles - Neal’s Bob Hope 32945 2
Adventures of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis (1952) Phil’s Collectibles - Neal’s Jerry Lewis 32596 6
Adventures of the Fly (1959) Phil's Collectibles - Neal Adams 1st Pro Work 13126 2
All Star Western (1970) Phil's Collectibles - All Star Western Run 6541350 6
All-Star Comics #58-#74 (1976) Phil's Collectibles - 1st Powergirl and Huntress 211775 17
Amazing Adventures #1-#39 (1970) Phil's Collectibles - 1st Killraven 12150 34
Amazing Adventures #1-#39 (1970) Phil's Collectibles - Neal Adams Issues 512865 15
Amazing Spider-Man #1-#441 Phil's Collectibles - Spidey Run 30616311 83
Amazing Spider-Man #101-#200 Phil's Collectibles - 1st Punisher 224800 121
Amazing Spider-Man #101-#200 Phil’s Collectibles - Another 1st Punisher 114700 126
Amazing Spider-Man #201-#300 Phil's Collectibles - More Venom 111000 203
Amazing Spider-Man (2014) All Variants Unnamed set - 158659 1040 93
Amazing Spider-Man (Complete) LEGACY Phil's Collectibles - 1st Punisher 406240 258
Amazing Spider-Man (Complete with Variants) LEGACY Phil's Collectibles - 1st Apps 4010251 105
Amazing Spider-Man McFarlane Phil's Collectibles - 1st Venom 13600 133
Amazing World of DC Comics (1974) Phil’s Collectibles - Amazing World of DC Comics 15525 7
American Splendor (1976) Phil's Collectibles - 1st Issue 1520 3
Aquaman (1962) Phil's Collectibles - Neal Adams Issues 461363 12
Archie's Pal Jughead (1949) Phil's Collectibles - Jughead 1 21500 2
Astonishing Tales (1970) Any Variant Phil's Collectibles - 1st Deathlok 252343 28
Avengers #1-#100 Phil Henriques - Avengers Duplicates 551121 242
Avengers #1-#503 Phil's Collectibles - 1st Rogue Duplicate 401670 126
Avengers #1-#503 Phil's Collectibles - 1st Rogue Duplicate 2 10225 234
Avengers #1-#503 Phil's Collectibles - Avengers Run 1324353 60


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Batman #201-#300 Phil's Collectibles - 1st Ras al Ghul Duplicate 2 11589 110
Batman #201-#300 Phil's Collectibles - Batman 232 Duplicate 663366 51
Batman #201-#300 Phil's Collectibles - The Glory Years 353521242 12
Batman (Complete) LEGACY Phil's Collectibles - Batman Run 46420826 26
Batman Adventures (Complete) Phil's Collectibles - 1st Harley Quinn 11750 44
Batman Beyond (1999 Limited Series) Phil's Collectibles - Batman Beyond 1 337723 10
Batman Family Phil's Collectibles - 1st Joker's Daughter 1578 28
Batman Family Phil’s Collectibles - Batman Family Run 15200 18
Batman: Odyssey (2010) Phil’s Collectibles - Batman Odyssey Run 975216 1
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #1-#4 (1st Printings only) Phil's Collectibles - 1st Dark Knight 4100875 26
Bernie Wrightson Cover Set Phil's Collectibles - Wrightson Covers 472619079 3
Bernie Wrightson DC Horror Cover Set Phil's Collectibles - Wrightson Horror Covers 397617801 3
Bill Sienkiewicz Covers Phil’s Collectibles - Sienk Covers 51315 24
Black Panther (1977) Phil's Collectibles - Black Panther 161200 12
Brave and the Bold #1-#200 Phil's Collectibles - B&B Run 22119656 20
Brave and the Bold #1-#200 Phil's Collectibles - Duplicates 421124 88


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Caliber Presents Phil's Collectibles - 1st Crow 14375 11
Captain America #100-#454 Phil's Collectibles - Cap Run 411772 80
Captain America (2011) Phil's Collectibles - Adams Variants 2539 7
Captain Marvel (1968) Phil's Collectibles - Captain Marvel Run 11150 103
Castle of Frankenstein Phil's Collectibles - Castle of Frankenstein Run 934223 1
Chamber of Darkness Phil's Collectibles - Conan Tryout 111270 21
Conan the Barbarian #1-#100 Phil's Collectibles - Conan Run 302714488 14
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