
Total Comic Registry Points: 157,501 Rank: 282

Vikingreed's Bio
Well, here I am almost two full months into 2015, and I think I am progressing solidly towards my end game.
I have pulled out of Moderns and Coppers somewhat (but can't break all the way free...) and have begun purchasing some Bronze Age books I've wanted my whole collecting life.

My first big buy was an IH 181 9.6 White Page beauty.
Now I've got my eye on several more.

I am progressing well on my Control Panel as well, adding notes, and pics, as I go along.

It actually has not been tedious, but actually quite fun.

Hopefully I can keep it going, haha.

Yeah! Comics!


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Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
All Star Batman & Robin, the Boy Wonder (2005) All Variants AS B&R Dupes 1340 68
All Star Batman & Robin, the Boy Wonder (2005) All Variants Miller + Lee Batman 519248 15
Amazing Spider-Man #201-#300 Hobby 17176384 41
Amazing Spider-Man #301-#400 Symbiote Sweet Spot 30302989 24
Amazing Spider-Man (Complete) LEGACY Look out! It's the SPIDER-MAAAAN! 57519323 147
Amazing Spider-Man (Complete with Variants) LEGACY Vikingreed's Complete Spidey 59219583 74
Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 1st Appearances Any Variant vikingreed's Spidey Firsts 9814980 29
Amazing Spider-Man McFarlane My 1st McSpidey Set 16554328 38
Amazing Spider-Man: The Movie (2012) Emma Stone Sig 12526 2
Annihilation: Conquest (2007) New GotG 1524 5
Astonishing X-Men (1995) Age of Mad Men 11624 7
Astonishing X-Men (2005) Whedon's Run 1021 64
Authority (1999) Greatness 13112 5
Avengers #1-#503 A doesn't stand for France 20269 223
Avenging Spider-Man (2012) All Variants MAD! Spidey 1224 31


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Batman #201-#300 Adams' wheel house 44350 131
Batman #301-#400 Batman #301-#400 33520 32
Batman #401-#500 Batman #401-#500 12121280 17
Batman #404-#407 Batman Begins - Year One 4100580 6
Batman #426-#429 Poor Robin 4100560 5
Batman #608-#619 (2002) All Variants Another Great 1st Submission 1550 89
Batman (2011) New 52 - All Variants Harper Row 2048 116
Batman (Complete) LEGACY My Favorite of them all... 2322288 115
Batman Adventures (Complete) Harley 221296 19
Batman One-Shots - LEGACY Let's Get Nuts! 752091 4
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #1-#4 DKR Dupes 25960 36
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #1-#4 DKR FTW 6151596 6
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #1-#4 (1st Printings only) DKR 1st Prints Only 41001496 6
Batman: The Killing Joke (1988) All Variants Kills Me 161143 15
Batman: Vengeance of Bane Finish Him 12596 15
Battle Chasers BC Dupes 2848 11
Battle Chasers I loved this book... 1145278 2
Birthright (Image) Birthright Dupes 31074 4
Birthright (Image) Moar BR Dupes 2748 7
Birthright (Image) What happens next...? 2278543 1


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Caliber Presents Crow Goodness 28740 5
Captain America #100-#454 This A doesn't either. 1067 254
Captain America (2005) All Variants Cap n A 139462 7
Captain America (2005) All Variants Cap n A Dupes 2159 62
Classic X-Men (1986) Wolvie Cover/ JL 2nd X-Men 1124 20
Crow #1-#4 (Caliber) Crow dupes 250200 29
Crow #1-#4 (Caliber) It can't rain all the time... 41003595 2
Crow (Chapter One) For Some Things...There Is No Forgiveness. 121004709 3
Crow Mini-Series & One-Shots Crow Complete Dupes 21325 14
Crow Mini-Series & One-Shots Fear is for the enemy. Fear and bullets. 14104827 3
Crow (Tundra) LEGACY Crow - 2nd Edition 25088 4


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Daredevil #1-#310 DD Issues 411685 98
Daredevil (Complete with Variants) LEGACY More DD Issues 802363 27
Daredevil (1964) 158-191 Miller Run Frank Miller Goodness 251325 102
Deadpool (Complete) LEGACY vikingreed's Deadpool 2032 91
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