
Total Comic Registry Points: 364,845 Rank: 110

Tornadohunter's Bio
Hello again! My name is Michael. I have been collecting comics since around 1984. I started submitting comics to CGC in 2009. Books from my collection and books I picked up at shows.
2022 has proven to be a significant year for me collecting CGC comics. This year I managed to finish my Steve Ditko Spider-Man run. Amazing Fantasy #15 (which I have never owned until June 23, 2022) and Amazing Spider-Man 1-39. I also completed the Transformers 1-80 in 9.8 (Marvel Set), which I started back in 2011. I completed the Transformers complete Marvel set in 9.8 (just the 1st prints) with the addition of Headmasters #4 in 9.8 on August 26, 2022. I completed the set on September 6, 2022 with the addition of the 3rd print of #7. I also completed Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars 1-12 in 9.8, Banana Splits, Masters of the Universe, and completed Watchmen 1-12 in 9.8. I also updated the pictures for many of the books. Lately, my main goals as a collector are to have the best graded sets of....

1 Lancelot Link
2 Banana Splits
3 Sentry
4 Transformers Universe
5 Transformers The Movie
6 Peter Porker
7 Heathcliff
8 Marvel Apes
9 Planet Terry
10 Transformers (Marvel) Complete Set
11 Transformers (Marvel)
12 Transformers Generation 2

and complete entire sets of.....

1 Star Trek(Marvel)
2 Walking Dead
3 Godzilla
4 Thundercats

I have completed 16 sets.
1 Punisher (Limited Series)
2 Secret Wars II
3 Sentry
4 Transformers: Universe
5 Watchmen
6 Transformers
7 Transformers: Movie
8 Droids (incomplete)
9 Transformers (Marvel Complete Set)
10 Walking Dead Survivors Guide
11 Transformers Generation 2
12 G.I. Joe and the Transformers
13 Amazing Spider-Man #1-25
14 Transformers: Headmasters
15 Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars
16 Transformers (Complete Marvel Set)
17 Transformers Comics Magazine (Not a registered set)
I currently have 101 sets in my collection.

I own



I was ranked at 191nd overall on June 13,2013 and on June 23, 2022 127th, 115th on June 23, 2023 and now 112th on July 20, 2023.
I own 1407 books all together plus a few that are unregistered.


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Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Alien (2021) Marvel - All Variants My Stomach Feels Weird 1140 8
Amazing Fantasy (2004) Amadeus, Amadeus! 21039 6
Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 1-25 The 1st 25 My goal is to get the first 25 (...) 26100127639 18
Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 1-100 6 Armed Spidey Whoa! I'm growing 4 more a (...) 6459178791 25
Amazing Spider-Man #1-#441 Subset Alpha 12219010 77
Amazing Spider-Man #1-#441 WEBS AWAY! Goal to get key issues in 9.0 (...) 13628186399 11
Amazing Spider-Man (Complete with Variants) LEGACY 100% COMPLETE? NEVER! The ultimate goal for any true (...) 22510190423 16
Avengers #1-#250 Earth's Mightiest Heroes Issue #155 1030 236


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Banana Splits (1969) Gold Key Don't Go Bananas Extras set 5621488 4
Banana Splits (1969) Gold Key HONK HUNK FSHHONK!! Snorky for, "CHECK THIS S (...) 81003178 1
Batman One-Shots - LEGACY JUST 1 HARLEY This is a really good book and (...) 10120 77
Batman/Spawn Holy Spawn Batman! 1435 3


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Captain America (2005) All Variants 9.8 Key Issues Goal to get 9.8 in all key iss (...) 3286 42
Chew Big League Chew 87536 20
Conan the Barbarian #1-#275 Watch out for that Witchy Woman! 1060 116
Creature from the Black Lagoon Lives! (2024) All Variants My 4th favorite character of all time! 3896 1
Curse Words &!#@*& ^%#*! 31160 1


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Daredevil (Complete) LEGACY The Comic Collector Without Fear 61433 67
Darth Maul (2017) The Short-lived Sith 410116 4
Darth Vader (2015) HHOOOOO HHAAAA 98273 11
Dazzler Razzle Dazzle 11251000 7
Deadpool (Complete) LEGACY RRGGGRRRR!! 90256 20
Doctor Aphra (2017) All Variants Star Wars' Indiana Jones 1110324 3
Droids (1986) Limited Series R2 and C3 Havoc I Can Still Remember When Thes (...) 8100796 4
Droids (1986) Limited Series Subset R2 11260 17


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Edge of Spider-Verse (2014) All Variants Gwen the Drummin Spider-Gal 15747 39
Edge of Spider-Verse (2022) All Variants Spider-Rex to the Rescue 44136 3
Edge of Spider-Verse (2023) All Variants At Last...... the Spider-Killer 715224 3
Eight Billion Genies I wish to complete this set 1623512 1


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Fantastic Four (1961) Silver Age #99- 9.2 Early Inhumans App. 10120 330


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
G.I. Joe and the Transformers YYYYOOOO ROBOTS!!!! 410096 3
G.I. Joe, A Real American Hero (1982) #1 #21, #57, #138-142 Just key issues and probably o (...) 85710 51
Ghost Rider (1973) Alive..Or Dead? Goal to get all issues in high (...) 495549095 6
Ghost Rider (Complete) LEGACY Alive.... Or Dead? 501749125
Godzilla (1977) GO GO GODZILLA!! Yeah Yeah My favorite character of all t (...) 241002065 4
Godzilla (Dark Horse) RRRAARRRRGGHH!! 1332 4


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Harley Quinn (2000) Any Variant I Love Harley 129 39
Heathcliff EE-HAHAHAHU-HAHAHA-HEE-HU 913273 1
Howard the Duck (1976) Trapped In A World He Never Made! #2- Space Turnip
#3- Mas (...)
1025486 34
Hulk (2008) All Variants #1-? 1st red hulk issue 1024 53


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Iron Man #1-#332 Any Variant High-grade Iron Man Books 61387 199


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Kick-Ass KICKIN' AND PUNCHIN' Very entertaining. 1424 26


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp Hey Mata? Here it is! The best set of on (...) 81001979 1
Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp Mata's Stew Extras set 675520 3


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Marvel Apes (2008) All Variants Spider-Monkey to the Rescue 11110 1
Marvel Copper Age 1st Appearances (1980-1989) Webs and Joe?! Roll out! 23126160 32
Marvel Spotlight (1971) IS HE ALIVE..OR DEAD? My goal is to complete this se (...) 319354129
Marvel Spotlight (1971) Marvel Spotlight subset 412363 148
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars (1984) SSSHHHHH!!!!! ITS WAR TIME!!!! I started this set in 2014 wit (...) 121001360 20
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars (1984) Subset 1 18100 149
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