
Total Comic Registry Points: 2,634,211 Rank: 7

chaddesden33's Bio
Welcome to my Registry Page.
I'm gradually filling in gaps in my Marvel Silver and Bronze Age sets and upgrading books where I can.
Always interested in buying and/ or trading with fellow members so if you've got anything that may be of interest please get in touch through the Collectors Society Messaging System or by email at


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Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 1-100 Silver Spideys 10698401880 14
Amazing Spider-Man #101-#200 Bronze Spideys 292839656 20
Amazing Spider-Man (Complete) LEGACY Silver and Bronze Spideys 13514441536 8
Avengers #1-#100 Mightiest Avengers 100100152511 8
Avengers #1-#250 Mightiest and Next Mightiest Avengers 10238153964 5


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Captain America #100-#200 Let's Yap with Cap 444327661 5
Captain Marvel (1968) Collection from Kree 233216790 6
Conan the Barbarian #1-#24 Cimmerian Treasures 249623066 7


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Daredevil #1-#157 DD's without Fear 8250115428 4
Doctor Strange (1968) Hoary Hosts 1510011050 6


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Fantastic Four (1961) Silver Age Frankly Fabulous FF's 10899577440 2
Fantastic Four (Complete) LEGACY More Frankly Fabulous FF's 12217589237 1


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Incredible Hulk (1962) #1-#6 Gray to Green set 610049879 21
Incredible Hulk (1968) #102-#474 All Variants Greenskin's Greatest 4811100856 4
Iron Man #1-#100 Iron Age Classics 434315985 14


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Journey Into Mystery #83-#125 It's worse than that JIM 44100194345 3


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Marvel Super Hero Comics (1961-1965) The best books ever 317981655726 3
Marvel (1968) Series Starters Big Premiere Issues 108345278 5
Marvel Annuals (1962-1982) Annual Giants 251574143 1
Marvel Collectors Item Classics (1965) King-Size Bullpen Classics 14640 5
Marvel Silver Age 1st Issues (1966-1969) Silver Firsts 164853771 4
Marvel Spotlight (1971) That's me in the Spotlight 2632000 11
Marvel Super-Heroes (1966) All Variants One shot specials 101022910 2
Marvel Tales (1964) Original Origins 204260 2


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Nick Fury (Silver Age) Superspy Specials 7410058722 1
Nick Fury #1-#18 (1968) Superspy Classics 15836825 6


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Our Love Story Psychedelic Romance 121150 2


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Savage Sword of Conan #1-#100 More Black and White Savagery 101000 18
Savage Tales (1971) Back and White Savagery 185000 9
Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos Howling Furies 231278606 2
Silver Surfer #1-#18 Earthbound Surfers 1810054070 7
Spectacular Spider-Man Magazine (1968) Silver Spidey Spectaculars 21004640 2
Strange Tales (1951) #1-#100 Strange Monsters 107500 10
Strange Tales #101-#188 Stranger in a strange land 6977100086 3
Sub-Mariner (1968) Sunken Treasures 435818005 8


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
Tales of Suspense #39-#99 Set of Suspense 61100125734 4
Tales to Astonish #27 & #35-#101 Where stride the TTA's 68100108354 3
Thor (Complete) LEGACY Beyond the Rainbow Bridge 11319235665 2
Tower of Shadows (1969) Shadowy Terrors 110420 10


Set Type NameSet NameDescComic Count% CompletedScoreRank
X-Men (1963) 1-66 The Boys of 66 66100221761 7
X-Men (1963) 94-143 Any Variant Cosmopolitan Comeback 2362083 29

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