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Astonishing Tales 25
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Astonishing Tales 25
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This was an awesome one to finally have graded and Signed from my personal collection that had actually been handed to me as a child by my father. In the Early 90’s at school we were required to read from a list of books and upon completion we got these little stickers to go to Pizza Hut with. My father wanting to give me more incentive told me he would also have a present for me if I finished my goal ahead of time as well. So, I hit the books and read my list of books ahead of schedule and as a gift for having met my goal early for reading he gives me this issue which had been at my childhood LCS. When he handed it to me I had no idea of what or who it was. I saw a sticker for a larger than normal price on the bag protecting the comic but again had no idea who the character was. Being a child I skimmed through it and even talked my dad into getting me a newer issue featuring Deathlok and Spider-Man on the cover fighting the Sinister Six.
It’s amazing where this character has been and the internal strife that seems to have been neglected since Astonishing Tales #26. It’s as if they forgot that the Man and the Machine were in direct conflict with one another.
Published: August 1974
KEY ISSUE: The Origin and 1st Appearance of Deathlok, Additionally it is the first Marvel Comic to showcase art by George Perez.
Doug Moench story
Rich Buckler Cover
Len Wein Editor-in-Chief
There are a total of 558 graded total with 34 graded as 9.8, 1 graded as 9.9, and to include this one 23 in signature series in 9.0 or better. While I certainly do wish it was a higher grade this is a comic that was carried over from my childhood and thus has that much more sentimental importance than face value importance
Story Title: A Cold Knight’s Frenzy
The 1st appearance and origin of Colonel Luther Manning and how he became the Deathlok. Following a bomb having gone off most of Colonel Manning’s body had been decimated. His limbs had been badly hurt, half of his face had been removed, and his brain was really the only thing left intact. For all intensive purposes he became the reboot to Frankenstein. Additionally with much of his story line he also seems to be a large focused part of the 80’s Robocop.
This was my first ever multiple Signature comic which features the Editor-in-Chief Len Wein, the first Marvel appearance of art by George Perez, and finally signed by Stan Lee. The biggest part about this and I can’t stress enough. This followed me as a child. Having re-pulled this one and with the Uncanny X-Force appearance of Deathlok I have once again become invigorated in reading about this conflicted character.