This "Batman" Guy Will Never Catch On...
Detective Comics 91
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Detective Comics 91 Universal
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(There's no better way to talk about this one than how I originally put it on Facebook)
There I was, browsing the ComicLink fall featured auction when I heard a sound...
- "Hey buddy."
- 'Say what?!'
- "Yeah you. Listen, I know you fancy yourself a Marvel collector, but we need to discuss something. How many Golden Age books you got right now?"
- 'Well...none.'
- "That's what I thought. And how much DC?"
- 'I got that Death of Superman TPB and a few of the reign and the back for good one.'
- "Right, so basically none. Now look here, you love the Nolan trilogy, enjoyed Keaton's first movie, and even appreciate Ben Affleckman. So where's your Batman books?"
- 'I...uh...well...'
- "Oh, and furthermore, let's rewind even further. How about all that quality time spent watching Adam West and Burt Ward over at grandma's place? Not to mention Cesar Romero, without whom we'd have never got that quote you giggle over from The Simpsons. You know -- why do you look like Cesar Romero? Because jou don't know what Cesar Chavez looks like! -- we're off topic, anyway, just bid on me already."
- 'Well played Detective 91, I shall acquire you!'
And that there is the (loosely based on a true) story of my first Golden Age AND Batman acquisition for my collection. Long overdue, and hopefully more to follow relatively soon!