Amazing Spider-Man 277

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Comic Description: Amazing Spider-Man 277 Universal
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 1057240008
Owner: KidsFuture


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: AmSp-All  Score: 64
Spidey201-300  Score: 64
AmSp All  Score: 64
ASM Vol1  Score: 64
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

Peter Park is finding it difficult to believe that Flash Thompson is actually the Hobgoblin, even though he unmasked the villain himself. Although Flash was his tormenter in high school, Peter recalls how Flash started the first Spider-Man fan club. Eventually, the pair put their pasts behind them and became good friends. Even though Thompson has had his share of personal problems, he still can't bring himself to accept the apparent truth. Suddenly, Mary Jane comes rushing into Peter's apartment, she came as soon as she read the news about Flash. She demands that he does something, and asks if he really had something to do Flash's capture before he can answer the phone rings. It's Matt Murdock, who sounds terrible. Fearing that Peter's phone may be tapped, Murdock asks Peter to meet him. Soon, Peter arrives at a rescue mission in Hell's Kitchen, where Sister Maggie takes him to see Murdock. Peter is shocked to see the Daredevil, and successful lawyer Matt Murdock living in a shelter. When Peter asks what happened, Matt explains that the Kingpin somehow discovered that he was really Daredevil, and has been doing everything in his power to destroy his life. He then warns Peter that the Kingpin might also know that he is secretly Spider-Man. When Peter suggests that Matt fight back in his capacity as a lawyer, Murdock explains how the Kingpin had him disbarred and has turned every organization against him.

Matt explains that he is getting his strength back, but Parker is the only person he can truly trust. However, Murdock warns Peter against going after the Kingpin at this time because he wants to be the person to bring him down. Murdock demands that Peter promise him, and Parker reluctantly agrees. After he leaves, Peter feels bad for Murdock, as he has never seen someone fall so hard. However, regardless of his promise to Murdock, Peter decides to find out if the Kingpin has somehow discovered his own identity as well. Slipping into an alley, Peter changes into Spider-Man and swings toward the Kingpin's skyscraper.

Soon at the Kingpin's lair, the master criminal declines to hear the Arranger's latest reports so he can do some paperwork of his own. Once in his office, he hears the sound of Spider-Man webbing up his door in the darkness. He tells Spider-Man to come out and tell him what the hero wants. Spider-Man tells the Kingpin that he has seen the current state Daredevil is in and he is not happy. The Kingpin plays coy, denying any responsibility for Daredevil's misfortunes suggesting that the heroes obsessions with him have drove him mad. When the Kingpin tries to reach for his cane, Spider-Man webs it to the side of his desk, knowing that it has hidden weapons inside.

The Kingpin assures Spider-Man that he is way out of his league and that the hero actually is more of a help but a hindrance. The Kingpin then reaches for the phone, but Spider-Man quickly blocks his hand. He then begins moving toward the secret exit, telling Spider-Man that he helps weed out petty criminals for ones that are viable in his organization. Before he can make his escape, the wall-crawler blocks Fisk's path. The Kingpin then explains that Spider-Man serves his needs, that everytime the hero saves the city he is ensuring that money continues to flow into the Kingpin's pockets. He then muses that Spider-Man is so helpful, he should put him on the payroll. This angers the wall-crawler but his warnings to stop pushing are ignored, as the Kingpin knows that Spider-Man will not strike him first. Spider-Man realizes that he made a mistake coming to see the Kingpin and thinking of him like some common thug. The wall-crawler then concludes subtle means will not stop the Kingpin. When he is asked to leave, Spider-Man then leaps out the window and swings away, warning the Kingpin that one day he will make a mistake and when that day happens he will be there.

When the Kingpin sits in his chair, he discovers that Spider-Man had placed webbing on the seat, making him stuck. The Kingpin calls his secretary and orders that he not be disturbed for the next two hours, under penalty of death. Alone with his thoughts, the Kingpin wagers that if anyone will make a mistake first, it will be Spider-Man.

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