My Teen Titans
Teen Titans 6
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Comic Description:
Teen Titans 6 Modern
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jason lafferty
Owner's Description
"War and Peace" Wonder Woman has declared that she is taking Wonder Girl out of the Teen Titans. She has the rest of the Justice League to back her up too. Cassie's mother never wanted this life for her and Diana feels responsible. Starfire flies up to the roof of Titans Tower and tells Diana that Cassie is staying with the team if she chooses to. Then she unleashes a volley of starbolts on Diana and a massive fight ensues.
The rest of the Teen Titans rally to Cassie's side, while the Justice League members begin fighting them for no real reason. Flash and Kid Flash race across the bay and work out some of their issues, while Superboy accidentally uses his heat vision to burn the back of Superman's cape. Beast Boy turns into a ram and butts heads with a green ram created from Green Lantern's ring. Batman and Robin do not come to blows, but each of them stands ready to counter the other.
The fight ends at the surprising appearance of Nightwing. He arrives via the Outsiders stealth craft and encourages for cooler heads to prevail. In the end, Cassie wants to stay with the Teen Titans and the Justice League have to honor her wishes.
After Cyborg shows the League the door, Superboy and Robin have a private conversation. Robin tells Connor that he ran a DNA test on him and can confirm that one half of his genetic code belongs to Lex Luthor. Superboy is greatly troubled to discover this.
Later, Lex Luthor (using an anonymous instant messager name) sends more information to Robin concerning Superboy's origins.