Perhaps you are not so brave, when Colossus is standing here, da?
Uncanny X-Men 295

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Comic Description: Uncanny X-Men 295 Modern
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 0973506007
Owner: Colossus Keck


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: Xavier Liked Me Best  Score: 35
Make peace with your gods, little man--you are next!  Score: 35
Perhaps you are not so brave, when Colossus is standing here, da?  Score: 35
Rise and Colossus shall strike you down again!  Score: 35
Alpha Seti IV  Score: 35
Wasting time on Friday  Score: 35
Cuters  Score: 35
All the X thats fit to print  Score: 35
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

Story Title:
X-Cutioner’s Song part 5: Familiar Refrain
Scott Lobdell (writer), Brandon Peterson (penciler), Terry Austin (inker), Chris Eliopoulos (letters), Joe Rosas (colors), Bob Harras (editor), Tom DeFalco (editor in chief)

Brief Description:
A weakened Apocalypse makes his way to one of his old safe-houses, where Storm, Beast, Iceman, Archangel, Colossus and Quicksilver are waiting for him, his Horsemen defeated at their hands. The X-Men believe Apocalypse knows where the missing Cyclops and Jean Grey are. Apocalypse battles Storm and her squad, and after absorbing energies from his old base to re-power him, he teleports away, determined to find out who has set up this “game” he now finds himself involved in. At the Mansion, Jubilee yells at X-Force, who are now imprisoned in the Danger Room. Havok finds Polaris upset at the way they have imprisoned X-Force, while Psylocke promises to the Professor that she will put him out of his misery if technology cannot cure him. Valerie Cooper reveals to the remaining members of the X-Men and X-Factor that Sinister informed her Stryfe was responsible for the assassination attempt on Xavier. Jean Grey finds herself tormented by Stryfe, ever cryptic as to why he has captured her. Wolverine and Bishop, meanwhile, have journeyed to Department K in Canada, where they are attempting to find information on Cable’s safe houses so they can apprehend him. Havok and Gambit meet with Cannonball, and after much discussion, Cannonball agrees to help them track down Stryfe. Cable arrives at Department K as he wants information on tracking down Stryfe - but is confronted by Wolverine and Bishop.

Characters Involved:
Archangel, Beast, Bishop, Colossus, Gambit, Iceman, Jean Grey, Jubilee, Psylocke, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine, Professor X (all X-Men)

Havok, Multiple Man, Polaris, Quicksilver, Strong Guy (all X-Factor)

Boom-Boom, Cannonball, Feral, Rictor, Shatterstar, Siryn, Sunspot (all X-Force)


Dr Moira MacTaggert

Dr Valerie Cooper



Caliban / Death IV, Famine II, War II (all Horsemen of Apocalypse)


Department K operatives

Story Notes:
Part 5 of the X-Cutioner's Song crossover
This issue follows X-Force (1st series) #16 and continues in X-Factor (1st series) #85.

Apocalypse was awoken from his regenerative chamber, early, by the Dark Riders in X-Men (2nd series) #14.

The Gold Team fought Caliban and Famine in X-Force (1st series) #16. War was not shown during that battle, but he is clearly seen here, captured by the X-Men.

Apocalypse used this base way back in his first appearance - the classic X-Factor (1st series) #6.

Despite being mentioned by Cannonball, Warpath is not depicted this issue, nor is Wolfsbane.

The assassination attempt on Xavier took place in Uncanny X-Men #294.

Jean’s separation from Cyclops took place off-panel.

Valerie was given information about Stryfe by Mr Sinister in X-Force (1st series) #16.

Weapon PRIME were quasi-replacements for Alpha Flight when Department H was shut-down. They were mostly seen in the Northstar limited series and early issues of X-Force (1st series).
This isn’t the first time Psylocke was ready to kill a fellow X-Man. In Uncanny X-Men #219 she suggests to her fellow X-Men that they kill Havok after he had eavesdropped on a secret meeting they were having.

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