Comic Description:
Uncanny X-Men 162 Signature
Page Quality:
Certification #:
Colossus Keck
Owner's Description
Chris Claremont (writer), Dave Cockrum (penciler), Bob Wiacek (inker),Tom Orzechowski (letterer), Glynis Wein (colorist), Louise Jones (editor), Jim Shooter (editor in chief)
Brief Description:
The X-Men don’t remember falling into a trap by Deathbird and the Brood. Mesmerized, they believe that they are guests at a Shi’ar celebration held in their honor. Only Wolverine, whose senses are perceiving two contradictory sets of reality, feels that something is terribly wrong. However, even he cannot fight back, when an alien woman – whom he correctly perceives as the Brood Queen infects the X-Men with something. Later, Wolverine, in terrible pain, realizes they are not on the Shi’ar homeworld, but somewhere else. When Storm doesn’t believe him, he flees alone. In another part of the palace, he witnesses how the traitorous Guardsman, Fang, transforms into a Brood. Wolverine realizes that this is the fate in store for the X-Men and flees outside into the dangerous jungle, followed by Brood warriors. Wracked by pain attacks, hallucinations and fighting off scavengers and the Brood. Logan doesn’t give up, until his transformation into a Brood begins. Logan struggles and impossibly wins, as his healing factor eventually kills the Brood embryo. He realizes though, that there is no such hope for his friends and that in order to save them, he may very well have to kill them…