For Asgard & Illyana?
X-Men 12

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Comic Description: X-Men 12 Universal
Grade: 8.5
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 4116371005
Owner: Tnerb


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: For Asgard & Illyana?  Score: 3573
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

Imagine having a friend, a friend who allowed you to play in his sandbox anytime you came over. The sandbox of course was a vault filled with comic amazing array of comic books from not only DC and Marvel, but many different companies. I got to view books I loved. I got to hold books I wanted. I got to be surrounded by a collection that was the greatest I have ever seen. And most importantly I got to enjoy the company of my friend.

Sometimes friendships end with the passing of time. And sometimes they end bitterly. This one ended due to a fight with cancer. The fight was long, brutal, and it ended in the worst way. Fortunately, as the battle wore down his defenses, my friend died without pain while being surrounded by Family, Friends, and Comics.

I have stories about the Ronnylama that make me tear up. I have tales that make me smile. I have memories of this great man who wanted to share his love of Coors Light, Pressing Comics... and DC’s Showcase. Of course he also loved the Marvel’s X-Men. I remember him wanting to get a copy of issue 1. I believe he finally did at the end. Dare I say a life long dream.

One of his best comic collecting accomplishments (in my opinion) that I ever held in my hands was his three copies of Giant Sized X-men #1. I would joke about pitting my point five against his singular 9.6 and doubles of 9.8's. He would laugh and get very confused on why I like point fives so much. His early one hundreds were amazing... especially multiples of some of my favorite story.. the Dark Phoenix Saga.

He helped me press a CGC Universal X-men 142 graded a 9.2. He didn't press it for me, he showed me how. I couldn't wait to tell him the book I was told by another very reputable presser would never attain a higher grade actually did. It became a 9.6 . I also added signatures to it. By the way... at the time of pressing... he asked me not to tell anyone and I never did...until now.

He was very private and public all at the same time. He was generous. And so is his Brother. A package came to me filled with comic books. I call them the Ronnylama collection. They are books that mean more to me to own than to flip...although if I can get that New Mutants 15 cover by doing so I may have to... and I do think that Ron would not mind.

Two months have passed, but I still remember when Ron's brother called me on April 19th. Being three hours ahead on the East Coast, it was late. I was sitting in the basement of my Fiancé's father, who was battling his own cancer when my phone rang. I looked at it and dreaded answering, but I knew I had to pick up...for two reasons. One because I knew what the news was...and two the person on the other end needed me. Hours passed and I hung up.

I cried.

I checked up on Ron's brother and he checked up on me. At times I forgot that Ron was even gone. Mainly this was because during evening phone calls I forgot they sounded alike. They have the same laugh and they say Tnerb almost identically... Ron however enunciated the “T” a bit more emphatically than his brother.

I knew the job ahead for Ron's brother was going to be difficult... my suggestion was easy... Keep them... especially a book that both of us tried bidding against him a long time ago. We both lost. I didn’t originally know who I was bidding against and I am not sure Ron’s brother knew either.

…but damn that story is a good one to tell… another time perhaps.

*I am starting to think this should be a journal, but here it will stay.

Ron's brother put aside some comic books that he thought Ron would want me to have. He already gave me a sneak peak of a few books, but as he was ready to tell me about a few other books... I told him I wanted to be surprised... and with this issue, let me tell you I was surprised. It's not a book I ever went after, or thought I would ever own, but it is a book I am proud to have...but I would give it up for one more moment with the great RonnyLama...

I do miss you Ron...

Be Kind!

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