Seduction Productions
Trapped! nn
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Trapped (no number) is referenced in Fredric Wertham’s “Seduction of the Innocent” (SOTI) in the text on pages 256 and 350. Trapped is a one shot educational comic book published by Columbia University Press used to illustrate the dangers of drug abuse. Wertham refers to Trapped on page 256 in the context of how much it costs to produce a typical comic book relative to the profits that comic book publishers make. He describes Trapped as follows “The actual cost of production varies. Some books have royalties attached to them. A small comic book, such as one that Columbia University Press got out for educational purposes, costs about one and one half cents, but if done less carefully could be done for three fourths of a cent.”
Trapped is referenced again on page 350. In this reference, Wertham uses Trapped in his description of the short sidedness of a decision by Governor Dewey of New York to veto a bill that was designed to control crime comic books “When the crime-comic book control bill came before the Assembly, they voted for it: 141 to 4. The Senate voted for it, too, unanimously. So it really seemed that a step forward had been made. But Governor Dewey attended to that. He vetoed the bill, giving as his reason that ‘it fails to meet fundamental constitutional requirements.’ Superman has many disguises. This decision was strange. When Columbia University Press published its educational comic book Trapped which deals with juvenile drug-addiction, Governor Dewey stated ‘It is a superb job. I hope millions of copies are distributed.’ (They could not distribute more than 30,000) If the governor thinks that a single good comic book can do so much good, should he not have refrained from interfering with the democratic will of the parliamentary majority which believed that hundreds of millions of bad comic books can do so much harm?”