New Mutants Revival
New Mutants 54
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New Mutants 54
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Since the inception of the team, they were always the team that was never good enough. They weren't worthy of costumes. Once in a while when we saw them in the future they had something that also made them individuals. Issue fifty four is the first time(?) they had their own costumes and the second time they fought the Hellions. This time the New Mutants lost. I wonder how it felt to Viper and the Silver Samurai to have their buts handed to them by another teen team.
The cover was a great collaboration between Mike Mignola and Terry Austin and what was inside was even better. Sal Buscema and Glynis Oliver (previously Glynis Wein) and Tom Orzechowski along with Jim only if Bob McLeod made it back...
I had this double signed at NYCC 12. It was the first time I felt like I was accomplishing. I had signatures applied to other comic books at other conventions, but it was this one that I felt special about.
The NYCC was and is a great convention. ECCC is another, Baltimore a third. Could it be these three that will forever be etched in my head as the top three, and I wonder, will there be any that will topple these in my head. Maybe NYSE... by the end of June I will find out.
Signed by Chris Claremont on 10/13/12 at NYCC 12.
Signed by Mike Mignola on 10/13/12 at NYCC 12.