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Comic Description: X-23 2 Modern
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 0285371005
Owner: labratnotincluded


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: X-23 Vol 3 1st Set  Score: 24
X-23 (Complete) Set 1  Score: 24
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

X-23 2 12/10 (Self Submission) "The Killing Dream, Part 2"
Cover Price: US $2.99
Writer(s): Marjorie M. Liu
Penciller(s): Will Conrad - 'Vilmar Nunes Conrado'
Inker(s): Will Conrad - 'Vilmar Nunes Conrado'
Colorist(s): John Rauch
Letterer(s): Cory Petit
Editor(s): Jeanine Schaefer, Joe Quesada, Jody LeHeup, Axel Alonso
Cover Artist(s): Danni Shinya Luo

Synopsis: X-23 dreams of an idyllic moment at a fair in the past when Wolverine offered to adopt her. In horrific contrast, she wakes up with the halfway house on fire and everybody dead. She tries to get outside and sees a living unconscious man, but her way is barred by a demon who tries to seduce her. It disappears and Laura carries the man outside but, when he wakes up, he claims she caused the fire. She is comforted by Gambit. Later, back at Utopia, Storm and Cyclops talk to Laura, who still believes she is to blame. The two X-Men walk outside to discuss matters while Wolverine keeps Laura company. Not the real Wolverine, though, but the demon Hellverine as Laura has figured out. She attacks him but, at that moment, Hellion enters and believes Laura has snapped. He traps her telekinetically, allowing Hellverine to injure him mortally. Laura offers her life for his and Hellverine sends her to a hellish landscape… Unaware of what has transpired, Storm asks Gambit to help X-23.

Characters: Cyclops
Wolverine Demon

Image #1

Image #2

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