Dead Among Us
Walking Dead 113

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Comic Description: Walking Dead 113
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 1172137031
Owner: ExcludedTim


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: Dead Among Us  Score: 32
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

Paul and Aaron are seen sneaking towards a Savior outpost. Aaron acknowledges that the outpost is completely empty and Paul explains that Dwight informed Ezekiel that the outpost was still in use. Paul then notices something exclaiming "Oh, damn".

After trying to attack The Saviors, Negan tells Rick he is "fucked". Rick still tries to attack Negan. Suddenly, Carl shoots a chunk out of Lucille, which makes Negan even more furious and vengeful. Negan calls Carl a "skull-faced little fuck", and talks about Lucille, who is the "only bitch [he] ever loved". Negan tells Rick he will execute Holly, Heath and Nicholas if the Safe-Zone survivors don't hand over Carl.

Andrea is talking to herself, and telling herself they won't die. Suddenly, Connor steps in and asks "Is that so?". Connor beats up Andrea in the bell tower, and tells her how sorry he is for her. At the same time, Andrea tries to grab Connor's knife. Andrea slashes Connor's arm and is pushed towards the window, holding the knife to Connor's throat. The panel cuts to Rick yelling out Andrea's name as he sees a single figure fall from the tower.

The figure is revealed to be Connor before Andrea is shown to have survived the attack and reminding herself that "We don't die".

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Image #2

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