CGC Registry

Set Score Detail

Set Name: Golden Age Hitler Covers
Created on: 9/12/2011
Last Modified: 9/5/2024

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Slot Name Comic Description 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.2 9.4 9.6 9.8 9.9 10.0
   All Winners Comics 6 All Winners Comics 89 101 114 152 203 254 304 355 406 507 608 674 761 1065 1268 2129 3397 5070 7605 15210 25350 40560 50700 76050
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   America's Best Comics 7 America's Best Comics 39 44 50 66 88 111 133 155 177 221 265 294 332 464 553 928 1481 2210 3315 6630 11050 17680 22100 33150
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   America's Best Comics 8 America's Best Comics 20 23 26 34 46 57 68 80 91 114 137 151 171 239 284 478 762 1138 1706 3413 5688 9100 11375 17063
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   All Star Comics 24 All Star Comics 56 64 72 96 127 159 191 223 255 319 382 424 478 669 796 1338 2134 3185 4778 9555 15925 25480 31850 47775
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   Arrow 3 Arrow 52 60 67 90 120 150 179 209 239 299 359 398 449 628 748 1256 2003 2990 4485 8970 14950 23920 29900 44850
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   Batman 18 Batman 123 140 158 211 281 351 421 491 562 702 842 934 1053 1474 1755 2948 4703 7020 10530 21060 35100 56160 70200 105300
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   Big Shot Comics 25 Big Shot Comics 13 15 16 22 29 36 44 51 58 73 87 97 109 153 182 306 488 728 1092 2184 3640 5824 7280 10920
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   Big Shot Comics 28 Big Shot Comics 16 19 21 28 38 47 57 66 75 94 113 125 141 198 236 396 631 943 1414 2828 4713 7540 9425 14138
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   Big Shot Comics 32 Big Shot Comics 13 15 16 22 29 36 44 51 58 73 87 97 109 153 182 306 488 728 1092 2184 3640 5824 7280 10920
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   Big Shot Comics 43 Big Shot Comics 10 12 13 18 24 30 36 42 48 60 72 80 90 126 150 251 401 598 897 1794 2990 4784 5980 8970
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   Big Shot Comics 46 Big Shot Comics 10 11 13 17 23 28 34 40 45 57 68 75 85 119 141 238 379 566 848 1697 2828 4524 5655 8483
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   Big Shot Comics 57 Big Shot Comics 7 8 10 13 17 21 25 30 34 42 51 56 63 89 106 177 283 423 634 1268 2113 3380 4225 6338
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   Blue Beetle 32 Blue Beetle 14 16 18 23 31 39 47 55 62 78 94 104 117 164 195 328 523 780 1170 2340 3900 6240 7800 11700
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   Blue Beetle 34 Blue Beetle 8 9 10 14 18 23 27 32 36 46 55 61 68 96 114 191 305 455 683 1365 2275 3640 4550 6825
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   Blue Bolt v4 #1 Blue Bolt 14 16 18 23 31 39 47 55 62 78 94 104 117 164 195 328 523 780 1170 2340 3900 6240 7800 11700
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   Blue Circle Comics 3 Blue Circle Comics 13 15 16 22 29 36 44 51 58 73 87 97 109 153 182 306 488 728 1092 2184 3640 5824 7280 10920
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   Bomber Comics 2 Bomber Comics 32 36 41 55 73 91 109 127 146 182 218 242 273 382 455 764 1219 1820 2730 5460 9100 14560 18200 27300
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   Bomber Comics 4 Bomber Comics 30 34 38 51 68 85 101 118 135 169 203 225 254 355 423 710 1132 1690 2535 5070 8450 13520 16900 25350
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   Boy Comics 4 Boy Comics 42 47 53 71 95 119 142 166 190 237 285 316 356 498 593 997 1590 2374 3561 7121 11869 18990 23738 35607
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   Boy Comics 7 Boy Comics 30 34 39 52 69 86 103 121 138 172 207 229 258 362 431 723 1154 1723 2584 5168 8613 13780 17225 25838
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   Boy Commandos 2 Boy Commandos 68 78 88 117 156 195 234 273 312 390 468 519 585 819 975 1638 2613 3900 5850 11700 19500 31200 39000 58500
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   Captain America Comics 1 Captain America Comics 3413 3900 4388 5850 7800 9750 11700 13650 15600 19500 23400 25935 29250 40950 48750 81900 130650 195000 292500 585000 975000 1560000 1950000 2925000
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   Captain America Comics 2 Captain America Comics 523 598 673 897 1196 1495 1794 2093 2392 2990 3588 3977 4485 6279 7475 12558 20033 29900 44850 89700 149500 239200 299000 448500
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   Captain America Comics 36 Captain America Comics 102 117 132 176 234 293 351 410 468 585 702 778 878 1229 1463 2457 3920 5850 8775 17550 29250 46800 58500 87750
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   Captain Marvel Adventures 21 Captain Marvel Adventures 27 31 35 47 62 78 94 109 125 156 187 207 234 328 390 655 1045 1560 2340 4680 7800 12480 15600 23400
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   Captain Marvel Jr. 10 Captain Marvel Jr. 32 36 41 55 73 91 109 127 146 182 218 242 273 382 455 764 1219 1820 2730 5460 9100 14560 18200 27300
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   Captain Marvel Jr. 13 Captain Marvel Jr. 32 36 41 55 73 91 109 127 146 182 218 242 273 382 455 764 1219 1820 2730 5460 9100 14560 18200 27300
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   Catman Comics 3 Catman Comics 52 60 67 90 120 150 179 209 239 299 359 398 449 628 748 1256 2003 2990 4485 8970 14950 23920 29900 44850
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   Catman Comics 16 Catman Comics 34 39 44 59 78 98 117 137 156 195 234 259 293 410 488 819 1307 1950 2925 5850 9750 15600 19500 29250
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   Catman Comics 19 Catman Comics 35 40 45 60 81 101 121 141 161 202 242 268 302 423 504 846 1350 2015 3023 6045 10075 16120 20150 30225
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   Catman Comics 20 Catman Comics 35 40 45 60 81 101 121 141 161 202 242 268 302 423 504 846 1350 2015 3023 6045 10075 16120 20150 30225
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   Champ Comics 24 Champ Comics 35 40 45 60 80 100 120 140 160 200 240 266 300 420 500 840 1340 2000 3000 6000 10000 16000 20000 30000
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   Comedy Comics 20 Comedy Comics 3 4 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 23 26 29 41 49 82 131 195 293 585 975 1560 1950 2925
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   Comedy Comics 22 Comedy Comics 3 4 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 23 26 29 41 49 82 131 195 293 585 975 1560 1950 2925
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   Daredevil Battles Hitler 1 Daredevil Battles Hitler 523 598 673 897 1196 1495 1794 2093 2392 2990 3588 3977 4485 6279 7475 12558 20033 29900 44850 89700 149500 239200 299000 448500
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   Daredevil Comics 18 Daredevil Comics 42 47 53 71 95 119 142 166 190 237 285 316 356 498 593 996 1590 2373 3559 7118 11863 18980 23725 35588
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   Famous Funnies 102 Famous Funnies 18 20 23 30 40 50 60 71 81 101 121 134 151 212 252 423 675 1008 1511 3023 5038 8060 10075 15113
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   Fantastic Comics 21 Fantastic Comics 29 33 37 50 66 83 99 116 133 166 199 220 249 348 414 696 1111 1658 2486 4973 8288 13260 16575 24863
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   Fantastic Comics 22 Fantastic Comics 32 37 42 56 74 93 111 130 148 185 222 246 278 389 463 778 1241 1853 2779 5558 9263 14820 18525 27788
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   Four Favorites 1 Four Favorites 60 69 78 103 138 172 207 241 276 345 413 458 517 723 861 1447 2308 3445 5168 10335 17225 27560 34450 51675
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   Four Favorites 11 Four Favorites 26 30 34 45 60 75 90 105 120 150 179 199 224 314 374 628 1002 1495 2243 4485 7475 11960 14950 22425
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   4 Most v2 #4 4 Most 14 16 18 23 31 39 47 55 62 78 94 104 117 164 195 328 523 780 1170 2340 3900 6240 7800 11700
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   Great Comics 3 Great Comics 182 208 234 312 416 520 624 728 832 1040 1248 1383 1560 2184 2600 4368 6968 10400 15600 31200 52000 83200 104000 156000
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   Green Hornet Comics 13 Green Hornet Comics 29 33 37 50 66 83 99 116 133 166 199 220 249 348 414 696 1111 1658 2486 4973 8288 13260 16575 24863
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   Headline Comics 8 Headline Comics 25 29 32 43 57 72 86 100 114 143 172 190 215 300 358 601 958 1430 2145 4290 7150 11440 14300 21450
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   Jackpot Comics 5 Jackpot Comics 56 64 72 96 128 160 192 224 256 320 384 426 480 672 800 1344 2144 3200 4800 9600 16000 25600 32000 48000
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   Joe Palooka 2 (1943) Joe Palooka 19 21 24 32 43 54 64 75 86 107 129 143 161 225 268 450 719 1073 1609 3218 5363 8580 10725 16088
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   Jolly Jingles 12 Jolly Jingles 15 17 19 25 34 42 51 59 68 85 101 112 127 177 211 355 566 845 1268 2535 4225 6760 8450 12675
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   Krazy Komics 9 Krazy Komics 7 8 10 13 17 21 25 30 34 42 51 56 63 89 106 177 283 423 634 1268 2113 3380 4225 6338
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   Marvel Mystery Comics 37 Marvel Mystery Comics 86 98 110 147 196 245 294 343 392 490 588 652 735 1029 1225 2058 3284 4901 7352 14703 24505 39208 49010 73515
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   Marvel Mystery Comics 46 Marvel Mystery Comics 340 389 437 583 777 972 1166 1360 1555 1944 2332 2585 2915 4081 4859 8163 13021 19435 29153 58305 97175 155480 194350 291525
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   Marvel Mystery Comics 63 Marvel Mystery Comics 62 71 80 106 142 177 213 248 284 355 426 472 532 745 887 1491 2378 3549 5324 10647 17745 28392 35490 53235
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   Marvel Mystery Comics 64 Marvel Mystery Comics 53 61 68 91 122 152 183 213 243 304 365 405 456 639 761 1278 2038 3042 4563 9126 15210 24336 30420 45630
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   Master Comics 13 Master Comics 65 74 83 111 148 185 222 259 296 371 445 493 556 778 926 1556 2482 3705 5558 11115 18525 29640 37050 55575
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   Master Comics 29 Master Comics 36 42 47 62 83 104 125 146 166 208 250 277 312 437 520 874 1394 2080 3120 6240 10400 16640 20800 31200
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   Military Comics 7 Military Comics 21 24 27 36 48 60 72 84 96 120 144 160 180 252 300 504 804 1200 1800 3600 6000 9600 12000 18000
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   Miss Fury 3 Miss Fury 48 55 61 82 109 137 164 191 218 273 328 363 410 573 683 1147 1829 2730 4095 8190 13650 21840 27300 40950
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   Miss Fury 4 Miss Fury 36 42 47 62 83 104 125 146 166 208 250 277 312 437 520 874 1394 2080 3120 6240 10400 16640 20800 31200
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   More Fun Comics 75 More Fun Comics 80 91 102 137 182 228 273 319 364 455 546 605 683 956 1138 1911 3049 4550 6825 13650 22750 36400 45500 68250
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   Mystic Comics 7 Mystic Comics 143 164 184 246 328 410 491 573 655 819 983 1089 1229 1720 2048 3440 5487 8190 12285 24570 40950 65520 81900 122850
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   Mystic Comics 9 Mystic Comics 77 88 99 133 177 221 265 309 354 442 530 588 663 928 1105 1856 2961 4420 6630 13260 22100 35360 44200 66300
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   Mystery Men 27 Mystery Men Comics 19 22 24 33 43 54 65 76 87 109 130 144 163 228 271 456 727 1086 1628 3257 5428 8684 10855 16283
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   National Comics 12 National Comics 28 32 36 48 64 80 96 111 127 159 191 212 239 334 398 669 1067 1593 2389 4778 7963 12740 15925 23888
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   National Comics 38 National Comics 16 19 21 28 38 47 57 66 75 94 113 125 141 198 236 396 631 943 1414 2828 4713 7540 9425 14138
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   National Comics 39 National Comics 17 20 22 29 39 49 59 68 78 98 117 130 146 205 244 410 653 975 1463 2925 4875 7800 9750 14625
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   Power Comics 2 Power Comics 74 85 95 127 169 211 254 296 338 423 507 562 634 887 1056 1775 2831 4225 6338 12675 21125 33800 42250 63375
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   Prize Comics 37 Prize Comics 39 44 50 66 88 110 132 154 176 220 264 293 330 462 550 924 1474 2200 3300 6600 11000 17600 22000 33000
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   Real Life Comics 3 Real Life Comics 263 300 338 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 1500 1800 1995 2250 3150 3750 6300 10050 15000 22500 45000 75000 120000 150000 225000
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   Sensation Comics 13 Sensation Comics 46 52 59 78 104 130 156 182 208 260 312 346 390 546 650 1092 1742 2600 3900 7800 13000 20800 26000 39000
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   Shield-Wizard 8 Shield-Wizard Comics 45 51 58 77 103 128 154 180 205 257 308 341 385 539 642 1078 1720 2568 3851 7703 12838 20540 25675 38513
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   Silver Streak 16 Silver Streak Comics 30 34 39 52 69 86 103 121 138 172 207 229 258 362 431 723 1154 1723 2584 5168 8613 13780 17225 25838
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   Silver Streak 21 Silver Streak Comics 16 19 21 28 38 47 57 66 75 94 113 125 141 198 236 396 631 943 1414 2828 4713 7540 9425 14138
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   Sparky Watts 1 Sparky Watts 27 31 35 47 62 78 94 109 125 156 187 207 234 328 390 655 1045 1560 2340 4680 7800 12480 15600 23400
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   Speed Comics 16 Speed Comics 45 51 58 77 103 129 154 180 206 257 309 342 386 541 644 1081 1725 2574 3861 7722 12870 20592 25740 38610
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   Speed Comics 21 Speed Comics 49 56 63 84 112 139 167 195 223 279 335 371 418 586 697 1171 1868 2789 4183 8366 13943 22308 27885 41828
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   Speed Comics 24 Speed Comics 39 45 51 68 90 113 135 158 180 225 270 300 338 473 563 946 1509 2252 3378 6757 11261 18018 22523 33784
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   Speed Comics 31 Speed Comics 47 54 60 80 107 134 161 188 215 268 322 357 402 563 670 1126 1796 2681 4022 8044 13406 21450 26813 40219
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   Spy Smasher 9 Spy Smasher 33 38 42 57 75 94 113 132 151 189 226 251 283 396 471 792 1263 1885 2828 5655 9425 15080 18850 28275
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   Spy Smasher 10 Spy Smasher 30 34 39 52 69 86 103 121 138 172 207 229 258 362 431 723 1154 1723 2584 5168 8613 13780 17225 25838
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   Startling Comics 12 Startling Comics 68 78 88 117 156 195 234 273 312 390 468 519 585 819 975 1638 2613 3900 5850 11700 19500 31200 39000 58500
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   Super Duck 1 Super Duck 27 31 35 47 62 78 94 109 125 156 187 207 234 328 390 655 1045 1560 2340 4680 7800 12480 15600 23400
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   Superman 17 Superman 82 94 105 140 187 234 281 328 374 468 562 622 702 983 1170 1966 3136 4680 7020 14040 23400 37440 46800 70200
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   Super Rabbit 1 Super Rabbit 22 25 29 38 51 64 76 89 102 127 153 169 191 268 319 535 854 1274 1911 3822 6370 10192 12740 19110
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   Supersnipe Comics 8 Supersnipe Comics 25 29 32 43 57 72 86 100 114 143 172 190 215 300 358 601 958 1430 2145 4290 7150 11440 14300 21450
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   Supersnipe Comics 9 Supersnipe Comics 27 31 35 47 62 78 94 109 125 156 187 207 234 328 390 655 1045 1560 2340 4680 7800 12480 15600 23400
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   Taffy Comics 2 Taffy Comics 10 12 13 18 24 30 36 42 48 60 72 80 90 126 150 251 401 598 897 1794 2990 4784 5980 8970
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   Target Comics v3 #8 Target Comics 27 31 35 47 62 78 94 109 125 156 187 207 234 328 390 655 1045 1560 2340 4680 7800 12480 15600 23400
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   Terry-Toons Comics 7 Terry-Toons Comics 53 60 68 90 120 150 180 210 240 300 360 399 450 630 750 1260 2010 3000 4500 9000 15000 24000 30000 45000
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   Thrilling Comics 41 Thrilling Comics 114 130 146 195 260 325 390 455 520 650 780 865 975 1365 1625 2730 4355 6500 9750 19500 32500 52000 65000 97500
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   Thrilling Comics 44 Thrilling Comics 91 104 117 156 208 260 312 364 416 520 624 692 780 1092 1300 2184 3484 5200 7800 15600 26000 41600 52000 78000
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   Thrilling Comics 45 Thrilling Comics 46 52 59 78 104 130 156 182 208 260 312 346 390 546 650 1092 1742 2600 3900 7800 13000 20800 26000 39000
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   T-Man 6 T-Man 8 10 11 14 19 24 29 33 38 48 57 63 71 100 119 200 318 475 713 1425 2375 3800 4750 7125
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   T-Man 34 T-Man 6 7 7 10 13 16 20 23 26 33 39 43 49 68 81 137 218 325 488 975 1625 2600 3250 4875
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   Uncle Sam Quarterly 5 Uncle Sam Quarterly 36 42 47 62 83 104 125 146 166 208 250 277 312 437 520 874 1394 2080 3120 6240 10400 16640 20800 31200
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   Uncle Sam Quarterly 7 Uncle Sam Quarterly 36 42 47 62 83 104 125 146 166 208 250 277 312 437 520 874 1394 2080 3120 6240 10400 16640 20800 31200
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   USA Comics 2 USA Comics 137 156 176 234 312 390 468 546 624 780 936 1037 1170 1638 1950 3276 5226 7800 11700 23400 39000 62400 78000 117000
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   USA Comics 5 USA Comics 80 91 102 137 182 228 273 319 364 455 546 605 683 956 1138 1911 3049 4550 6825 13650 22750 36400 45500 68250
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   USA Comics 9 USA Comics 263 300 338 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 1500 1800 1995 2250 3150 3750 6300 10050 15000 22500 45000 75000 120000 150000 225000
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   Weird Comics 20 Weird Comics 28 33 37 49 65 81 98 114 130 163 195 216 244 341 406 683 1089 1625 2438 4875 8125 13000 16250 24375
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   Whiz Bang 4 Whiz Bang 50 57 64 86 114 143 172 200 229 286 343 380 429 601 715 1201 1916 2860 4290 8580 14300 22880 28600 42900
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