Set Description:
This group was difficult to assemble, but I knew setting out that if I was going to have nice 1-104 set, I wanted the best copies I could find in the later issues of the series whenever possible. While my lowest grade comic being a single 9.0. Some of my issues are the single highest copy in grade like my #82 Savannah pedigree in a 9.8. I was also lucky enough to purchase a diverse range of pedigreed copies as well. Currently I have issues from 9 different CGC recognized pedigree sets, making my run as unique as possible.
As of July 2018 - I have the following breakdown of grades.
12 - 9.8 copies
19 - 9.6 copies
5 - 9.4 copies
3 - 9.2 copies
1 - 9.0 copy