CGC Registry

CGC Registry Info

The CGC Registry is a community where collectors can showcase their comics and compete for the best sets. Registry participants can enter comics into Competitive Sets or Custom Sets.

It’s easy to get started. Simply choose a set that interests you and enter your CGC-certified comics. Add photos and descriptions, set collecting goals and see how your sets stack up against the competition. Best of all, it’s free!

To help you decide how you’d like to participate, here are some frequently asked questions:

What are Competitive Sets?

Competitive Sets are defined by CGC, with available slots for each comic in each set. Comics are ranked based on relative rarity and grade, and collectors receive points accordingly. It’s a great way to participate in the Registry, as it offers friendly competition and establishes collecting goals. It’s also easy to compare collections and see some outstanding sets. Please view our Competitive Set Guidelines and get to know how these sets are structured.

What are Custom Sets?

Many collectors choose to assemble their own sets in unique ways, as personal expressions of what they find fascinating about collecting. Custom Sets are ideal for this kind of collector. You define the set’s theme and choose which comics are eligible.

What comic books are eligible for the CGC Registry?

All CGC-certified comics are eligible for the CGC Registry, although there are not Competitive Sets for every comic. You may request a new Competitive Set by making a post on the Chat Boards in the Registry section. To access the thread for new sets, click here. For step by step instructions on how to use the form, please click here.

How are Competitive Sets ranked?

We place a value on each comic, based on the relative rarity of its title, issue and grade. A set’s rank is based on the total of the individual scores of all the comics. A scoring algorithm developed by CGC helps make the sets competitive for everyone, even collectors with a limited budget.

How does restoration impact scoring?

Restored comics receive a slight score reduction, based on how the book was restored. Please refer to CGC’s restoration grading scale for more information.

How do signatures impact scoring?

The CGC Signature Series® is a certification service that assures signatures are 100% authentic. CGC Signature Series comics get a slightly higher score.

What does a CGC Registry score mean?

When a set is assigned a score in the Registry, the sole purpose of that score is to provide a standard against which other sets in the Registry can be compared. A Registry score is not intended to be used as a basis for determining market value, and Registry scores may be changed from time to time.

What happens when there is a tie?

The CGC Registry will first rank by score and, in the event of a tie, the Registry will determine which set has the highest percentage of comic images. If the score and percentage of images is equal between two sets, then the percentage of comic descriptions will be considered. To break it down, ranking is achieved in this order:

  1. Set score
  2. Percentage of comics with images
  3. Percentage of comics with descriptions
If all of the above items are equal between sets, then sets will be sorted by the date the rank was achieved (first to achieve it will appear higher), but they will have the same rank number beside their set.

About The Registry

The goal of the Registry is to encourage comic collecting as a hobby, acknowledge the collectors who assemble truly remarkable sets, and inspire beginner hobbyists as they embark on the fun and rewarding hobby of building a comic collection.

This site is accurate, interactive, impartial, easy to use, and discreet, and is a community for collectors wherein their sets can be displayed and shared with others.

There are many advantages to using the Registry:

  • Sets of all sizes are welcome. Collections do not have to be complete to be listed.
  • There is no cost to enter comics in the Registry.
  • Sets can be customized and can include descriptions and photographs.
To participate, Join the Collectors Society.

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