The Definitive X-Force Set
X-Force 29


Comic Description: X-Force #29 Universal
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 0905397019
Owner: kaholo1256


Winning Set: The Definitive X-Force Set
Date Added: 5/23/2013
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

Published: December 1993


Fabian Nicieza story
Matt Broome art
Antonio Daniel & Jon Holdredge Cover

Only 2 graded so far both at 9.8 make this a rarer than normal issue to find pre-graded. Could only be happier if it was signed like everything else but until that point I will still enjoy being one of two to have this one for now. Then it would be back to being an OAK.

Story Title: Toy Soldiers

Tucked away in his mobile Murderworld, Arcade views various pictures and video of his next target Shatterstar. He instructs Ms. Locke to prepare the second target because things are going to start real soon.

In Phoenix, Rictor drops Shatterstar off for a day of assimilation. Shatterstar is keen on learning first hand what Earth life is like. Rictor has his reservations but agrees to pick his friend up at six that night.

At Camp Verde, Cannonball and Boomer prepare for a three week vacation in Kentucky with Cannonball's family. Boomer expresses concern about such a long time with family but Cannonball assures her that she will be loved. Cable wishes them well and then turns to find Tempo. He asks her if she'll stay with the team but she's not sure if she's even team material anymore. She flies away without committing to anything.

In one of the bunkers, Siryn drinks as she analyzes what happened with Sunspot. She blames herself for his disappearance despite not being conscious for that part of the fight with the Mutant Liberation Front. Warpath confronts her drinking problem while also trying to soothe her mind about the Sunspot incident. He admits to Siryn that he likes her and she blows up at him since a person can't like someone who hates themselves. Her outburst knocks Warpath into some monitors and she storms out. Warpath walks out and tells Cable that his advice in relating how he feels about Siryn was bad advice. Cable realizes that he's having a hard time keeping this team together on his own so he makes a call to Domino and asks her to join him. She agrees.

Shatterstar awakens to find himself captured and captive inside Murderworld. Suspecting his danger, Shatterstar removes his shirt. Arcade informs Shatterstar that he will be jumping through some hoops, the first of which is saving an innocent family from being killed by warriors from Shatterstar's home world. Although Shatterstar claims that he doesn't care about the family, he springs into action when the Cadre warriors attack. After some fancy maneuvering, Shatterstar dispatches two of the three warriors. The third, however, grabs the children and places a gun to their heads. Shatterstar hesitates for only a second before shooting the warrior in the head. With the warriors all dead, Arcade lets the family go.

Once the family is gone, Shatterstar is asked to don his first uniform as Arcade shows the person responsible for the contract on Shatterstar's life. Shatterstar is surprised to see that the contractor is Major Domo, a leader on his home world. He then surprises Shatterstar by introducing the next opponent, Adam X. The men are to fight to the death.


This one was one of the lamer stories of the group but honestly Arcade has proven himself a Lame Villain. Maybe if his Murder World did something then he might command more respect, but here he’s still pretty much a child still. Now Avengers Arena, looks like he finally learned from his mistakes.
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