Fat Freddy's Cat 1st Set
Fat Freddy's Cat 7


Comic Description: Fat Freddy's Cat #7 Universal
Grade: 9.6
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 2025418003
Owner: labratnotincluded


Winning Set: Fat Freddy's Cat 1st Set
Date Added: 3/26/2019
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

Fat Freddy's Cat 7
Self Submission
Cover Price: US $2.95
Writer(s): Gilbert Shelton
Penciller(s): Gilbert Shelton
Inker(s): Gilbert Shelton
Colorist(s): Gilbert Shelton
Letterer(s): Gilbert Shelton
Editor(s): Gilbert Shelton & David Sheridan
Cover Artist(s): Gilbert Shelton

Synopsis: Fat Freddy's Cat is talking to his nephews about the Pied Piper of Hamelin. They said they've already heard it and it's about a pied piper that comes to town and plays music on a flute that causes the rats of the city to go crazy and drown themselves in the river. When the town pays him with a bad check, the kids all love his music and he leads them away to his punk nightclub on the other side of town where they all live happily ever after in a perpetual orgy of sex, drugs and rock & roll. He then tells them that's where he came in on the story, in one of his previous lives. He is now down to just a handful of black stripes but back then he was all black and known as Schwartzenkater the Magnificent. The Mayor of Hamelin called on him to go get the children back in any way possible and throw their drugs in the river. He travels to the club to hear the pied piper (who looks like Fat Freddy) and the music is awful so he jumps on stage to play the saxophone apparently well but the audience can't stand the 'old fashioned' music so he pulls out a violin case and everyone dreads hearing classical music but it's really a machine gun that he uses to off the pied piper and says aloud, 'not violins, violence' Nothing is more impressive than violence. The audience goes crazy and want to buy machine guns from him offering up thousands. He returns to town and they pay him a check for his services. He goes to the bank and finds out there are insufficient funds which he exclaims he should've knows. When he looks around, his nephews have gone and he finds them in the other room watching mindless television.

There are a series of short stories including cat facial expressions, teaching his nephews to catch mice and they relate gruesome details on what to do when they're caught that they said they learned from television, Fat Freddy trying to toilet train the cat and ending up using the litterbox since he put cellophane on the toilet, Fat Freddy's Cat trying to live in the cemetary til he's spraypainted by punk rocker graffiti artists, Fat Freddy's Cat using cat laughter to wake the fat guy to feed him, Fat Freddy's clever contraptions to get the cat to bring him breakfast, coffee and the paper that backfires as he oversleeps only to find the cat eating his food, drinking his coffee and reading his paper, Fat Freddy's Cat devising a scheme using a whip to chase off dogs who laugh and say they're not afraid of a pussy with a whip only to see lions, tigers and leopards appear on cars when he cracks the whip and the big cats thank him for the nice 'meal' and give him tickets to the circus, Fat Freddy's Cat daydreaming of being on an island while really just sitting on a traffic pole in the middle of a street, The automatic dishwasher service (Fat Freddy's Cat in a box) that Fat Freddy offers up to a neighbor and the cat ends up coming out of the box in the shape of the box. Fat Freddy offering up his cat as a stud service. Fat Freddy's Cat dropping large trash bag of water on a dog several stories down on the street that flattens the dog and Fat Freddy thinks someone put out a new rug, Fat Freddy taking his cat to vet for depression and vet mixes up the 'sound' treatment that frazzles Fat Freddy, Phineas Phreak cleaning up while Fat Freddy goes to the movies and uses the three bags of orange cat fur to fashion Fat Freddy's Cat on the fat guy's pillow so when he gets home and tries to pickup the cat it 'dissolves' and scares him, Fat Freddy's Cat gets kicked out of the house so he goes to the park to try to live like a squirrel only to be the brunt of a squirrel joke where one of the squirrels convinces him to wear big buck teeth, and finally Fat Freddy thinks it would be hilarious to scare the cat with a hairdryer only to have the cat turn the tables and take it out and turn it on while Fat Freddy is in the tub hence scaring the fat guy until finally he drops it in the tub and electrocutes Fat Freddy with the moral of 'never mess with Fat Freddy's Cat'

Featured Characters:
Fat Freddy's Cat

Other Characters:
Fat Freddy
Freak Brothers
Ensemble of animals and other characters
Image #1

Image #2

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