Indrajal Comics 182


Comic Description: Indrajal Comics #182 Universal
Grade: 4.0
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 1237016001
Owner: 13


Winning Set: The Zabra Collection-INDRAJAL COMICS FROM INDIA
Date Added: 1/26/2018
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description


It is VERY TOUGH to find INDRAJAL COMICS with WHITE PAGES and WITHOUT BINDER PUNCH HOLES. This book is a rare exception. Most Indrajal Comics in INDIA were placed in binders and bear three punch holes.

MAY 1973


This is one of my most favorite covers and issue of Indrajal Comics. This amazingly rare book has WHITE PAGES. It would have graded higher than 4.0 had it not been for a detached cover.

This book is HISTORICAL as it was the FIRST INDRAJAL COMICS ISSUE IN THE WORLD TO BE EVER CERTIFIED BY CGC along with INDRAJAL COMICS # 138. Both these books will go down in COMICS HISTORY to be the FIRST EVER to be certified by CGC. I added these books to my collection on JANUARY 26th, 2018 which happens to be the REPUBLIC DAY OF INDIA.


This wonderful story begins with TOMM and REX going to the "TREASURE ROOM" in the PHANTOM'S SKULL CAVE. For those who are not familiar with these terms, inside the Skull Cave are TWO TREASURE ROOMS namely THE MAJOR TREASURE ROOM-where through centuries the Phantoms have placed their trophies, gifts from kings and potentates! Ancient things beyond belief. The other chamber is called the MINOR TREASURE ROOM that contains tons of precious jewels and gold. Another space holds "ANCIENT COSTUMES OF THE PHANTOMS" and some of them were women. Then there are the "BURIAL VAULTS OF THE PHANTOMS" where twenty generations lie. The MOST PRECIOUS VAULT to the PHANTOM is "THE PHANTOM CHRONICLES" that hold four centuries of adventures.

REX and TOMM meet the PHANTOM outside the skull cave and walk into the minor treasure room first and then into the MAJOR treasure room. In this room they are amazed to see treasures like, THE SWORD OF KING ARTHUR-EXCALIBUR, THE IVORY HORN OF ROLAND, and THE DRINKING CUP OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT. Tomm notices a bottle with a little snake and a ring. The PHANTOM explains to TOMM and REX that this is THE ASP THAT BIT CLEOPATRA AND HER WEDDING RING FROM MARK ANTHONY. REXX notices a pretty large FLOWER OF GOLD and the PHANTOM seems puzzled by this flower and has to refer to the "PHANTOMS CHRONICLES." He seems to remember something about a gold flower in the chronicles over 400 years ago. The entry in the chronicles reads " APRIL 1735-- I returned from THE GOLDEN PEOPLE with only a gold flower to remember. I promised to say no more." REX asks the PHANTOM about what this means and he is not sure.

Its now time for the PHANTOMS STALLION-HERO and MOUNTAIN WOLF-DEVIL to go on their routine exercise outside THE DEEP WOODS. They leave the DEEP WOODS and do not return even by nightfall and that worries the PHANTOM. He asks REX to get JOOMBA-THE ELEPHANT and KATEENA-THE LIONESS and they all leave the DEEP WOODS in search of HERO and DEVIL. After many hours they hear thundering hooves and see HERO and DEVIL. When DEVIL gets closer the PHANTOM notices something in his mouth and it is a GOLD FLOWER like the one in his SKULL CAVE. The PHANTOM asks his MOUNTAIN WOLF-DEVIL to show him where he found this GOLD FLOWER. He instructs REX, JOOMBA and KATEENA to go to the DEEP WOODS.

DEVIL and HERO take the PHANTOM to a cave which he had never noticed before and which may have opened up secondary to a recent avalanche. There he finds "A GOLDEN BOAT" on an "UNDERGROUND LAKE." The PHANTOM gets onto the golden boat with DEVIL and steers with a GOLDEN PADDLE towards a waterfall and notices a sheer shiny cliff. Suddenly a GOLDEN ARROW strikes the Golden Boat. High above he sees gold flashing in the sun and he instantly overturns the boat. Multiple GOLDEN ARROWS are shot at the overturned boat. The PHANTOM and DEVIL swim away and moments later a great boulder crashes down on the boat. The PHANTOM instructs DEVIL to wait in the cave and climbs the slippery cliff inside the cave. As he reaches the top he sees a garden like place and A GOLDEN WARRIOR swinging a heavy GOLDEN BATTLE AXE at the PHANTOM who catches it in an iron hand. For a moment the GOLDEN WARRIOR and THE PHANTOM stare at each other and the GOLDEN WARRIOR says"You the one." The PHANTOM moves and strikes him and knocks him unconscious. The PHANTOM is puzzled as the warrior seemed to know him. He hears drums ahead and through shrubs sees an amazing sight. A RACE OF BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN PEOPLE AND A BEAUTIFUL ENCHANTING BARBARIC QUEEN RECEIVING RICH OFFERINGS. Suddenly there is a blare of A GOLDEN HORN. A closer look and THE QUEEN IS TIED TO HER THRONE. Other GOLDEN WARRIORS start laying firewood around her throne and light up fire torches. Another GOLDEN MAN is noted tied to a wooden mast. THE GOLDEN WARRIORS set fire to the wood and the tied up GOLDEN MAN breaks loose to save the beautiful GOLDEN QUEEN but is no match for the GOLDEN WARRIORS. Hidden the PHANTOM having seen enough jumps out with his GOLDEN AXE and combats the GOLDEN WARRIORS. He works fast to save the GOLDEN QUEEN but not before a GOLDEN SPEARMAN hurls a GOLDEN SPEAR at him. He then hurls the GOLDEN BATTLE AXE at the GOLDEN WARRIORS and sets the beautiful GOLDEN QUEEN free by cutting the ropes that were binding her to the throne. The PHANTOM then removes his guns and is about to shoot when the GOLDEN WARRIORS seem to recognize him as "THE ONE WHO HAS RETURNED." They then greet him as the "MIGHTY MESSENGER OF GOD" who has returned. The PHANTOM is puzzled in his mind. The GOLDEN MAN who was trying to save the GOLDEN QUEEN thanks the PHANTOM and tells him that they waited for ages for him to return. He takes the PHANTOM to a GOLDEN WALL that has the drawings from ages ago wherein the PHANTOM had rescued their ANCESTOR GOLDEN QUEEN and FORBID THE CEREMONY OF THE QUEEN. He then explains that the ceremony was ended but they slipped back into bad ways. The PHANTOM now understands that the paintings on the GOLDEN WALL are of his ANCESTOR when he had visited the GOLDEN PEOPLE in 1735 and the current GOLDEN PEOPLE think that he is him. In the back of the crowd are two GOLDEN WARRIORS who do not appear to believe this story and look suspiciously at the PHANTOM. The PHANTOM is not sure what this CEREMONY OF THE QUEEN is and does not comprehend the concept of burning her at the stake. He asks the GOLDEN QUEEN about the CEREMONY and wants her to refresh his memory.

The GOLDEN QUEEN-DARRA and her LOVER explain that EVERY THIRD YEAR they pick one GIRL-THE PRETTIEST TO BE THEIR QUEEN AND FOR THREE YEARS SHE IS THEIR RULER. For three years she is honored, her word is law, she is given all the riches-ANYTHING SHE DESIRES. At the end of three years SHE MUST DIE so that a NEW QUEEN can reign. This the GOLDEN PEOPLE were told is THE WISH OF THE GODS. Suddenly a SPEAR IS THROWN and wounds the PHANTOM slightly causing him to bleed. The GOLDEN WARRIORS now turn against the PHANTOM claiming that HE IS NOT A GOD BUT AN ORDINARY MAN and want to KILL HIM. The GOLDEN QUEEN and her LOVER try to protect the PHANTOM. All the GOLDEN WARRIORS point their SPEARS at the PHANTOM. The PHANTOM draws and fires as rapidly as a machine gun with deadly aim at the spears. Before they can move he is among them with his IRON FIST on their jaws. He strikes FASTER THAN THE EYE CAN SEE. The GOLDEN PEOPLE have seen enough. The GOLDEN QUEEN is convinced and says that "Only a true messenger of God could that done that." The PHANTOM then says "Obey me,I COMMAND YOU TO STOP THIS CEREMONY FOREVER."
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