For This Is the Day… That a Superman Died

Green Lantern v3 #46 Second Printing


Comic Description: Green Lantern #v3 #46 Universal
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 2010732004
Owner: Iconic1s


Winning Set:

For This Is the Day… That a Superman Died

Date Added: 5/14/2019
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

This book was one of my grails for a long time. I liked Green Lantern's inclusion in the story and really wanted the second printing of this book. I bought two of these raw from the same comic book store through eBay; paid $1.50 for one and $2.00 for the other in separate transactions. I had them both pressed by CCS and graded and was totally blown away when they both graded 9.8! It's a great feeling to get a relatively rare book like this for just a couple dollars raw and then have it come back 9.8. It almost makes up for the times when you have to spend several hundred dollars for another book already graded 9.8... <i>almost.</i>

I finally have a <i>Man Cave</i> where I display many of my books and collectibles. This is pretty satisfying considering that for 30 years I moved every 2-3 years. It was hard to enjoy displaying things when you know that by the time you get things looking good it will be about time to pack everything back up. In my Man Cave, I have shelving and some of the heroes and villains have their own sections. The second picture is my main Green Lantern area where I display this book. Prior to getting this second printing I had the first printing in this area. It seemed okay to bump the first printing back to the box in order to show off this second, rarer, printing.

I had the second 9.8 on eBay for awhile, mainly to finance other books. I ended the listing early and was then offered $350.00 for it. I ended up not being able to allow myself to sell the book though. The time spent looking for these books, and how much fun it is to find them, makes them mean more to me than the money I could potentially get for them. Right now there are four 9.8's in the census and I have two.
Image #1

Image #2

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