Captain Marvel Swan
Captain Marvel Adventures 144


Comic Description: Captain Marvel Adventures #144 Universal
Grade: 8.5
Pedigree: Crowley Copy
Certification #: 1017905022
Owner: David Swan1


Winning Set: Captain Marvel Swan
Date Added: 11/30/2012
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

This 8.5 is actually the highest known grade and one of only 5 graded copies

(Published) May 1953
(Cover) C.C. Beck/Pete Costanza?

9 page Captain Marvel story
"The Fatal Frogs"
(Appearance) Red Crusher
(Script) Otto Binder
(Pencils/Inks) Pete Costanza?

Billy hears on the radio that a heavy fog has descended on Korea threatening the US naval fleet. He transforms and heads off to investigate. Capt. Marvel arrive in Korea to find his enemy Red Crusher firing artillery on US Navy stuck in the fog. Cap easily defeats Crusher but the mad Korean denies being behind the fog. He then uses the fog to make a quick escape. Marvel grabs a bunch of Mig's (soviet jets) and uses their engines to blow away the fog.

Later, an American soldier discovers one of their own scientists created the fog. The scientist is flying around releasing more fog with the intention of helping the Americans but Red Crusher arrives in another jet and takes control of the the scientists aircraft. Red Crushes releases a glue fog the mires down the US troops but Cap uses water to wash it away. Cap discovers scores of flying aircrafts' and can't determine which one is releasing the fog. Crusher then releases oil fog which makes everything slippery. He uses sand to stop the slipperiness. Marvel follows a trail of fog but finds a message threatening the kill the scientist if he's seen so Marvel changes back to Billy. He is immediately captured and gagged. Red Crusher begins covering Billy in amber fog to kill him but it causes his gag to slip down. One magic word and Cap defeats Red Crusher and cleans up the mess. In the end Red Crusher escapes once again.

4 page Captain Kid story
"The Intrepid Inventor"
(Pencils/Inks) Al Liederman?

1/2 page Dopey Danny Dee story
"Not So Dumb"
(Script/Pencils/Inks) George Marko

2 page Jon Jarl text story
"Interplanetary Tenements"
(Script) Otto Binder [as Eando Binder]

5 page Captain Marvel story
"The Stolen Shazam Powers Ch. 1: Sivana's Sinister Scheme"
(Appearance) Sivana
(Script) Otto Binder
(Pencils/Inks) C.C. Beck

Billy gets an extremely vague tip announcing the Sivana will, "Strike the city -- tonight". He transforms but using the widom of Soloman, Captain Marvel deduces that the note was written by Sivana himself and he'll actually be attacking the out in the country. Cap is correct and he finds Sivana just as the wicked scientists explodes a Neutron Bomb next to a dam. Sivana escapes as Marvel repairs the dam. He arrives at his secret base and releases an enormous ape to stop Marvel that Cap brushes aside. Sivana flees again this time successfully. During the story Cap uses the power of all seven God's that grant him his powers. Sivana decides he can only succeed by taking away Cap's powers and flies to the Rock of Eternity. He finds the wizard Shazam holding court with all the six gods. Later, while Shazam is sleeping Sivana grabs him as a hostage using a knife to his throat and the gods are helpless to stop him.

6 page Captain Marvel story
"The Stolen Shazam Powers Ch. 2: The Smashing of Captain Marvel"
(Script) Otto Binder
(Pencils/Inks) C.C. Beck

Sivana forces Solomon to strike his name from the list of Gods granting Capt. Marvel his powers and then leaves with old Shazam as a hostage. He then returns to his fortress and sends a letter ordering the UN to disband and claims control of Earth. He then includes a coded message at the bottom. Without the power of Solomon, Cap is completely unable to crack the code. The message was an obvious test and with Marvel's failure Sivana sends an uncoded message revealing his location. Before Cap arrives Sivana sends a message to the Rock of Eternity ordering Hercules to withdraw his strength leaving Cap is unable to even put a dent in Sivana's fortress. Next, Sivana has Atlas remove his name from the list and then tosses a rock at Marvel knocking him unconscious. Rather than simply kill Marvel he tosses a bucket of water on him and dashes back in his fortress. Then he ordered Achilles to strike out his name robbing Cap of his courage (I thought Achilles just granted him invulnerability) Finally Sivana orders Mercury to remove his name leaving Cap as weak as a jellyfish. SIvana stakes Capt. Marvel and Shazam to the desert ground to let the sun slowly kill them them and the buzzards consume them. Yikes.

6 page Captain Marvel story
"The Stolen Shazam Powers Ch. 3: Sivana's Victory"
(Script) Otto Binder
(Pencils/Inks) C.C. Beck

Sivana launches a full on assault of the entire planet from his fortress. In desperation Capt. Marvel changes back to Billy and manages to escape the death trap as the ropes holding him to the ground loosen from his smaller wrists. He frees Shazam and walks right into Sivana's fortress to retrieve the Robe of Immortality. Billy knocks out Sivana and grabs the robe allowing the Gods to restore power to Capt. Marvel. Cap is now able to smash SIvana's fortress to pieces.The End.
Image #1

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