Captain Marvel Swan
Captain Marvel Adventures 74


Comic Description: Captain Marvel Adventures #74 Universal
Grade: 9.0
Pedigree: Crowley Copy
Certification #: 0074301001
Owner: David Swan1


Winning Set: Captain Marvel Swan
Date Added: 9/5/2011
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

Currently Tied With Two Other Issues as the Second Highest Graded Copy of this Issue. The other Crowley Copy is also a 9.0. I hate the picture I'm using.

(Published) July 1947
(Cover) C.C. Beck

9 page Captain Marvel story
"The Fate of the World"
(Script) Bill Woolfolk
(Pencils/Inks) Pete Costanza

A young bride gets a note from her husband that implies he's going back to a life of crime. Meanwhile the omniscient states that the world is about to come to an end. At the Rock of Eternity the Wizard Shazam is arguing that the world should not be destroyed as a failure because it produced one superior mortal, Captain Marvel (actually didn't Shazam produce Capt. Marvel). Shazam convinces one of the Gods, Roroy, to travel to Earth to observe it for himself and then he slips down to Earth and causes Billy Batson to speak his magic world while sleeping. Cap travels to the subway where he first met the wizard Shazam and summons him by lighting the brazier. Shazam tells Cap he needs to convince Roroy not to destroy Earth.

He meets Roroy with the intention of convincing him that the world is worth saving. The first person they come across is the woman whose husband went back to crime. Her crying confirms Roroy's view of Earth. She explains her situation so Cap and Roroy decide to investigate the criminal gang. Turns out the man is committing crimes because he knows he's going to die and wants to give his wife financial security.

Capt Marvel and Roroy find the gang and punch out one of its members. Seeing all the violence Roroy is more convinced than ever that Earth is a mess. The crook reveals plans for a future crime but someone already called it in. Cap around town with Roroy in a desperate attempt to change his mind but after a near car crash two drivers end up in a fist fight. With one hour left Cap has to move fast but decides to spoil the gangs crime as his last act. Jim is there and pulls a gun on Cap but gets socked in the jaw. Turns out the game is wooden and Jim was trying to commit suicide by cop so he wife can get the insurance money. Roroy is so impressed by the mans attempted sacrifice that he allows the Earth to continue.

7 page Captain Marvel story
"The Crazy Cave Colors"
(Script) Otto Binder
(Pencils/Inks) Pete Costanza

Billy is taking a tour in a cave when the guide lets the group now that a person had gone missing the previous day and advised the people to stay close. They descend into the cave and the guide mentions a story about hidden pirate treasure possibly hidden in the cave. He also mentions a demon but confesses to Billy that the stories are make believe. Suddenly, a strange looking fellow claiming to be a demon starts to threaten the group. Billy says his magic word and punches the "demon" sending him scampering. The fellow escapes into an X-ray cave. The man tries to escape into a phosphorescent cave where everything is pitch black except glowing silhouettes. Finally, he tries to hide in a red cage where he is essentially invisible when he wraps himself in his red cloak. Even much of Cap's uniform is invisible.

Marvel decides to try something else and begins to walk away feigning to give up. The "demon" returns to his lair which is a room full of pirate treasure. Cap punches his mask off and discovered that the man who went missing the previous day had stumbled upon the treasure. Now, instead of getting a share of the treasure he's off to jail.

7 page Captain Marvel story
"Captain Marvel Takes a Beating"
(Script) Otto Binder
(Pencils/Inks) Pete Constanza?

Billy is checking out an old summer theater where are group of kids are being kicked out by the owner, Mr. Scrooch. He demands rent or the kids have to go. The kids want to keep the place to put on a play and show Billy the results of their work. Scrooch is the villain of the play and two of the kids dump a bucket of water on another boy dressed as Scrooch. The boy playing Scrooch decides to quit so Billy takes over and gets glue dumped on him while playing the part. He decides to change to Capt Marvel who is better at taking abuse. Seeing that it's now Capt Marvel the kids go all out and pummel him including dropping a bucket of bricks on him. Cap needs to leave the room for a moment and the actual Mr. Scrooch shows up. Thinking it's still Cap the kids put him in a cage of hungry cats. Scrooch's screams bring Capt Marvel to the rescue. Scrooch is actually amused by the prospect of the play and allows the kids to remain to put on their show.

8 page Captain Marvel story
"The Thirteenth Guest"
(Script) Otto Binder

Mr. Morris invites Billy up to his new country home along with 11 other guests. Morris also mentions that there is a story of the house being haunted. That night, everyone is sitting around the dinner table when Billy notices there are 13 people instead of 12. We see into the thoughts of a Mr. Ghoss that he is a materialized ghost with yet unknown plans. Later, Billy is in bed when he is awakened by a scream. He transforms and finds a patently fake ghost trying to steal jewelry from one of the guests. He tries to scare Cap but gets a punch to the jaw and runs off. The "ghost" slips through a secret panel and escapes. Marvel relates the story to Mr. Ghoss but when Cap leaves Mr. Ghoss de-materializes and walks through the secret door. The fake ghosts spots him and tries to scare him but when that fails starts to shoot Ghoss. The bullets pass right through him and Cap finds the fake ghost slapping him down but the ghost escapes in a pile of white potato sacks

Capt Marvel asks Mr Ghoss to help catch the ghost and when Cap leaves he assumes a spectral form. Later, the ghost attempts a second robbery. Cap comes along and punches him so hard his clothes are shredded. It's one of the guests, a Count who it turns out was actually a crook. Marvel mentions to Mr Morris that he was assisted by Mr. Ghoss but Morris says he never invited a Mr. Ghoss. Ghoss finally reveals himself and says that he had to remain in the house until another get together of 13 guests occurred. He helped catch the thief and remove him because with Capt Marvel there were 14.
Image #1

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