Captain Marvel Swan
Captain Marvel Adventures 54


Comic Description: Captain Marvel Adventures #54 Universal
Grade: 9.0
Certification #: 0918555005
Owner: David Swan1


Winning Set: Captain Marvel Swan
Date Added: 2/10/2014
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

Currently Tied with Two Other Comics as the Fourth Highest Graded Copy of this Issue. There exist a 9.4 and 9.2 Crowley copy. Not sure if the other 9.4 is a pedigree comic. I bought this one because it was an auction and I had never seen this issue before for sale. It's also a neat cover.

(Published) February 1946
(Cover) C.C. Beck/Pete Costanza

12 page Captain Marvel (score ***)
"Sivana Plots Again"
(Appearance) Dr. Sivana
(Script) Otto Binder
(Pencils/Inks) C.C. Beck

Sivana hatches a plan to defeat Capt. Marvel by creating a robot duplicate of Marvel that is just as strong as the real thing. The robot is actually Sivana in a robotic suit and Capt. Marvel mask. After capturing Billy Batson, Sivana uses a Batson robot to broadcast that Sivana is no longer a threat. Sivana then frees dozens of prisoners giving them weapons. Meanwhile the Capt. Marvel robot is sent out to do mundane tasks in order to ruin Marvel's reputation while the criminals maraud around town. Eventually Billy frees himself, captures Sivana and rounds up all the escaped criminals..

The most indelible image of the story is Sivana shooting Billy point blank in the face. Unbeknownst to him it was the robot but if he'd just shot Billy from the get go he would have won. All in all not a bad story.

4 page Captain Kid
"Takes a Flyer"
(Script/Pencils/Inks) Al Liederman?

7 page Captain Marvel (score ****)
"The Country Slicker"
(Script) Otto Binder
(Pencils) C.C. Beck
(Inks) Pete Costanza?

A country bumpkin is swindled by the notorious "city slicker" using the old trick of selling the deed to property he doesn't own. The hayseed gets his revenge by dressing up as the "country slicker" and trading deeds to properties HE doesn't own. When the city slicker and gang try and claim the properties they tangle with Capt. Marvel and end up getting hauled to jail.

9 page Captain Marvel
"Marooned in the Future" (score **)
(Script) Otto Binder
(Pencils/Inks) C.C. Beck

Capt. Marvel is asked to pilot is super fast experimental jet but during the run he's pulled into the future where future human's use robotics to dismantle the jet for its metal. The robotic factory unsuccessfully tries to dismantle Capt. Marvel himself and he's dumped in a garbage bin. It turns out Marvel has been pulled 500 years into the future to the year 2446 where metal is extremely rare and precious. The future men explain the situation to Marvel and tell him they have no way to send him back. In short order there a several attempts to steal the metal and Marvel chases a criminal to a lab where a scientist just happens to have developed a serum that puts a person to sleep for 500 years until time catches up (which makes absolutely no sense). Both the criminal and Cap drink the solution and back in 1946 Marvel punches out the crook.

9 page Captain Marvel (score **)
"Station WHIZ Goes Television"
(Pencils/Inks) C.C. Beck

Station WHIZ is moving to television and they're looking for talent. The discover that Capt. Marvel is a captivating crooner who makes women faint. Marvel becomes so popular that women mob him tearing his suit. When Billy makes a rude sound while a Capt. Marvel song is playing on the radio a woman punches him in the face. Things get dark as fans are so rabid some women threaten suicide if Capt. Marvel won't marry them and Cap muses that sometimes he wishes he were dead. The next time Marvel goes on air a bitter washed up singer slips him a drink that causes his throat to constrict and Cap is unable to sing. He changes to Billy and does his broadcast and somehow this simply ends Cap's singing career.

10 page Captain Marvel
"Captain Marvel Visits Kansas City, Missouri"
(City Story) Kansas City, Missouri

Billy arrives in Kansas City to find they have a serious problem with juvenile delinquents. Cap catches a couple boys committing a robbery but lets them go for a second chance. Later, a couple of thugs pay the boys 10 bucks to smash some windows and then use the distraction to rob a fur store. The cops assume the boys robbed the fur store but Cap finds some gold cuff links and deduces it was someone else. He posts a lost and found in the newspaper and gets a response from the crook. Billy returns the cuff links but kicks the thief for such a paltry reward. Billy is pushed out of his apartment but then rips his own collar off. Pulling the prints from the collar they determine it's a crook named Louie Nemus. Cap returns to the apartment and pummels the thieves and the boys are let free and have clearly learned their lessons.
Image #1

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