DC Universe Logo Books (Doomsday! Funeral for a Friend)
Grave Obsession

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Comic Description: Adventures of Superman 499 Modern
Grade: 9.6
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 2046450006
Owner: Iconic1s


Custom Sets: DC Universe Logo Books (Doomsday! Funeral for a Friend)
Iconic1s Custom Doomsday Set!
Sets Competing: For This Is the Day... That a Superman Died  Score: 25
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

"com·ple·tist - noun - an obsessive, typically indiscriminate, collector or fan of something." Dictionary

This is the last book in my Base Set of 98 books that is not 9.8 or above. I believe the 9.6 you see here could have just as easily came back 9.8. If I get my hands on a second 9.6 before I find a 9.8, I will submit this copy for CPR... as much as I think this book has a shot at 9.8, I'm not willing to have it cracked without a backup. I don't want to jeopardize this 9.6 if the worst were to happen!

I bought this book off of eBay when I already had a 9.4. It had been listed for a couple months, the price dropped, but it did not have a make an offer option. Over the course of the listing I sent the seller a couple messages asking if they would accept a lower price. I also asked if it had been pressed and the response was that it had not. To me, this left open the option of attempting CPR on the book later. The price never did come down to where I really wanted it to be but they did end up meeting me half way at $225.00. At the time there were three of these in the census, one each 9.8, 9.6, and 9.4, and I had the 9.4 and 9.6. The 9.8 was listed on eBay in mid-2019 originally for $1500.00 and ended up selling for $800.00. I could have bought it then but at the time I still needed over 30 books to be at 100 percent completion... with that far to go I wasn't yet at the point where I could justify paying that much for a single book. Solid raw copies are really hard to come by so I will most likely be waiting for another 9.8 to come up for sale and then make the decision whether I want it bad enough to pay what's being asked. I don't regret not buying the 9.8 when I had the chance... most things happen for a reason and who knows how that might have impacted the rest of my journey putting these books together.

The 9.4 that I originally had was the first book that I purchased for this set that was already graded and not a 9.8. I had decided that if I submitted a book and it came back less than 9.8 I could put it in the set while looking for a better copy, but that I wouldn’t buy a graded book that wasn't a 9.8. I ended up abandoning that idea in order to have some of the harder to find books like this one in my collection until I got a 9.8 copy.

I had gotten the 9.4 from fellow board member onlyweaknesskryptonite. I bought the book knowing that there was a hair in the slab, up against the book. In fact, he had even previously created a CGC forum post about this hair.

When I received the 9.4 I prepared to get it reholdered. I had already created an order and mailed the book before I was advised by another board member to contact Brittany at CGC. Once I contacted Brittany everything was taken care of. The book was reholdered and back on it's way to me within a week. The order was changed from a reholder to MECHANICAL ERROR and I did not pay anything for the service, not even return shipping. I did pay to ship the book to CGC but that's okay because I sent it in with another order. Great customer service from CGC and I appreciate fellow board member's pointing me in the right direction!

I am pleased with this copy and could technically be done with this set right now... but the completist in me really wants to finish it in all 9.8 or above!

Speaking of completist; I am constantly on the lookout for ways to improve this gallery, even if it doesn’t always mean adding a book that is an official member of it. I want to make this gallery as fun as possible, and as I need fewer and fewer 9.8’s, I continue working on it to do just that. When I came across the book in the second image slot, which at the time was the only graded copy of Action Comics 727, I felt like it was meant to be here. I added it to the gallery in May 2021, when Adventures of Superman 499 third printing was the final 9.8 I needed. It made sense to include it here because; 1) it also has the Centennial Park Superman statue on the cover (this time at night and covered in snow!), and 2) it takes place during the Final Night storyline and this is the Final Book I need in 9.8! I think these parallels are interesting and cool... I just hope that; 3) the World isn’t also dark and frozen over by the time I finish this collection in 9.8... yikes!

Update #1 - I was able to get my hands on a raw copy of this book and submitted it in May 2021... I got that copy on eBay, auction style for $57.00. It had a lot of dents and I submitted it through CCS. Grade date ended up being 13 December 2021 and it received a 9.4. Although that was a great grade for the particular book, I was obviously hoping it would somehow pull off a 9.8 after pressing. It was really fun to be able to submit a copy of this book myself!

After the submission I now have two 9.4's and one 9.6 of this book... the hunt continues!

Update #2 - In August 2022 I cracked the 9.4 I submitted and sent it back in for the Dan Jurgens In-House Private Signing... I selected the remarque and asked for a Doomsday sketch! This time the book returned a Signature Series 9.2... it's great to have the Signature and Sketch but not so awesome for it to downgrade to 9.2... especially after another trip through CCS! This book now has it's own slot in my Custom Set.

After this submission I now have one 9,6, one 9.4, and a 9.2 Signature Series of this book... the hunt continues to continue!

Update #3 - In May 2023 I may have let the future second 9.8 slip through my fingers. It was the end of Memorial Day weekend and a sealed two pack containing this book as well as Adventures of Superman 498 fourth printing was listed on eBay at around 8:00 PM for BIN $650.00 or Best Offer. If you had been keeping an eye on this book at the time you would know that this was a very good starting point. The pictures of the book looked wonderful but at this stage of the game, with four copies of this book in my possession (9.6, 9.4, 9.2 SS, and a raw which I had just picked up for cheap) I just wasn't super excited about dropping that much money on a 'maybe' 9.8. As good as the pictures looked, I still asked a few questions about the condition before making up my mind... the Seller was very responsive and everything sounded good. He was not a comic guy from what I could tell... his other listings were of camera gear and the verbiage of the listing was a little off, so maybe this was in fact the deal of the century and the next 9.8. Still, I was cautious. I was in the middle of typing in an offer when the Seller let me know it just sold... I think it was listed for around 30 minutes or so. The next day I found out that a friend of mine had bought it... I'm happy that it went to a good home! I do regret a little bit not grabbing it immediately but it's weird, as time passes I feel a little less obsessed with finding this book in 9.8, and especially less willing to go out on a limb for raws. On the bright side, I know where this book landed and I hope that eventually I will find out it's ultimate fate... if it does come back 9.8 (if graded) I hope I will have an opportunity to make an offer (if he decides to sell it)... at this point it would be crazy to not at least try to make this set ALL 9.8/above! Just imagine that!

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