Iconic1s Custom Doomsday Set!
First Printing
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Comic Description:
Adventures of Superman 496 Modern
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Owner's Description
"Not Kltpzyxm! Mxyzptlk!! Now the first thing I'm gonna do... Oh, nuts!" Mr. Mxyztptlk
This cover is obviously one of the goofier of the four Doomsday cameo books. Mr. Mxyztptlk was never one of my favorite characters in the pages of the comics but I really enjoyed how he was done in Superman: The Animated Series in the '90's. I really love all of the episodes from that series!
This is one of the earliest books I had when I registered my books. I reholdered this book in December 2020.
I added an image of all four of the first printings of the Doomsday cameos in the second picture slot. I think it's interesting to see what was going on in each of the Superman titles when this storyline kicked off. I consider the four Doomsday cameos a set within this set and I enjoy showing them all together like this. I've since upgraded Superman: The Man of Steel 17 to a Signature Series 9.8 copy but wanted to leave this picture as they were when first brought together. I did this in all cases where I upgraded or reholdered a 9.8 and there was a group picture already included in my set. This helps me remember how much work it has been to not only first assemble, but then maybe even upgrade a book; not to mention the stress of sending a rare book away for reholder.