Crime and Censorship
Crime and Punishment 16

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Comic Description: Crime and Punishment 16 Universal
Grade: 6.5
Certification #: 2035228008
Owner: GAM


Custom Sets: Designed for Delinquency
Sets Competing: Crime and Censorship  Score: 19
Seduction Productions  Score: 19
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

Crime and Punishment #16 is referenced in Fredric Wertham’s “Seduction of the Innocent” (SOTI) on pages 98-99.

In this section of the SOTI, Wertham criticizes the attempts of publishers to moralize the crime deterrent aspects of crime based comic books. He references a two-page essay written by a police captain criticizing him for his views and quotes several passages from the essay “In one comic book are two pages by a police captain attacking me: ‘Don’t let reformers kid you!’ He is ‘shocked by what I read today about the people who condemn crime comics. These people are the menace.’ He goes on: ‘Children don’t like to be kicked around by reformers who want to decide what’s good for them to read.’ And he extols ‘the strong moral force’ the comics exert on children.’”

The two-page essay, entitled “Don’t Let Reformers Kid You…”, was written by police Captain Felix L. Lynch and it appears in Crime and Punishment #16. Crime Does Not Pay #76 also contains this essay and it’s likely that this was the book that Wertham was using when he quoted from the essay.

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