Crime and Censorship
Crime and Punishment 2

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Comic Description: Crime and Punishment 2 Universal
Grade: 7.5
Page Quality: OFF-WHITE
Certification #: 0186478001
Owner: GAM


Custom Sets: Designed for Delinquency
Sets Competing: Crime and Censorship  Score: 55
Seduction Productions  Score: 55
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

Crime and Punishment #2 is referenced in Fredric Wertham’s “Seduction of the Innocent” (SOTI) in the text on page 161. In this section of the SOTI, Wertham provides examples of comic books that teach and encourage children to commit crimes. He describes one comic as follows – “Nothing is overlooked in these crime comics, however mean. One book shows how to steal the money box from a blind man who runs the newsstand. Of course, as in the vast majority of criminal acts depicted in comic books, this particular act is successful and not punished.” The cover of Crime and Punishment #2 fits Wertham’s description nicely and is assumed to be the comic that he is referring to in the passage on page 161.

Image #1

Image #2

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