CGC Registry

She-Hulk The Savagery

Set Type: Savage She-Hulk (1980)
Last Modified: 7/27/2022
Views: 116

Rank: 34
Score: 275
Leading by: 93
Points to Higher Rank: 2

Set Description:

She-Hulk gains a presence and is well chosen among her peers for the essence of ethics. A lawyer in her own right, she is taking on the powers that be in her own "right", yet the angry defense can not always provide the right kind of justice. She'll prove herself a kinder gentler power of attorney, and take on the likes of the villains to prove sometimes the pen is mightier than "a" sword! Wield the power well!
She Hulk is green and is a mean lean machine compared to the Hulk. She-Hulk will take it in her own stride, and has somewhat with streaming.... as a lawyer.... a twerking lawyer. I can't make this up!
"Courtesy of Imgur"

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