
Total Comic Registry Points: 32,304 Rank: 992

djpinkpanther67's Bio
Hi! My name is Thomas.

Besides being a 23 year retired Army veteran, I like collecting comics.

I think back to the summer of 1974…
I was a 6 year old boy living in Clackamas, Oregon in Oak Acres mobile home park.
I remember used to having to cross the dirt bike meadow, then Clackamas Highway to get to the little yellow colored building that was my beloved Tom’s Market! Here was my entry point into the realm of comic fandom.
I recall going on one of my near daily visits to get some Wacky Packages, when the comic rack caught my eye.
I was used to reading Richie Rich and Casper comics, but here was a comic book called Spider-Man, with a werewolf on the cover! I didn’t know who Gwen was, but it looked totally awesome!
There was also a Captain Marvel comic book that looked cool so I bought it as well.
I took them home and plunged right in. I’m happy to say they introduced me to a world of wonderment, that to this day, has kept me hooked!

That summer day began my journey and love of comics. I quickly also got into Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Ghost Rider, Hulk, Batman, and the Avengers.

My favorite was always Captain Marvel, however.

-In 1982, When Captain Marvel died in the comics, it kind of hurt my feelings. At that point I figured I was seriously weird. A couple years later, I quit collecting, and got rid of all my books.
While in the Army, I still picked up the occasional book to read, but never collected again for years, until around 2004.

I started buying a lot of raw books off of eBay, as I was still overseas. I found out about the CGC forums in 2005, but only hovered around the site reading, until joining in 2007.

My current primary collecting focus is the Captain Marvel title, and all of his appearances, as well as Dreadstar…Trying to get them all in 9.8. We will see…

I have a lot of other titles/books CGC graded, but only have the above titles listed in the registry at this time, as they are they only ones I’m currently collecting.

Thanks for looking!


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