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Oldest School CGC Slab & Red Modern Label :) |
Battlestar Galactica 3 Modern
The first slab Bronze age comic in my collection.
Grade Date: 02/14/2001 :)
I recall seeing re-runs of Battlestar as a child then thinking how powerful this cover was when I came across the comic for the first time.
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Superb John Buscema Avengers (in effect) Cover! |
Black Panther 15 Modern
Superb John Buscema Avengers, in effect, Cover! Last Issue. May 1979. Story was concluded a few months later in Marvel Premiere 53
Cover Date: May 1979
On Sale Date: February 13, 1979
Cover Price: $0.40
Page Count: 36
Editor: Roger Stern
Title: "Revenge of the Black Panther"
Pages: 17
Writer: Ed Hannigan
Penciller: Jerry Bingham
Inker: Gene Day
Letterer: Clem Robins
Colorist: George Roussos
Guest Appearances:
Captain America
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Batman and ? |
Brave and the Bold 150 Modern
Only 9.8 with Original CGC Label. Aparo Cover and art. Love these DC Montage Anniversary covers. This one may have been the first followed by Action 500 and World's Finest 271
The ? marked guest star is Superman
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Final Issue |
Captain Marvel 62 Modern
May 1979 Marvel mini-implosion victim. Story was concluded months later in the newly launched Marvel Spotlight Vol 2
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Sharon Carter "dies" this issue pretty much off-panel and is not seen again for over 15 years. |
Captain America 233 Modern
Pollard/Milgrom Cover, Sal Buscema/Perlin interiors. Sharon Carter "dies" this issue pretty much off-panel and is not seen again for over 15 years. About as permanent a "death" as Marvel has ever had.
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1st Miller Daredevil title Cover and Interiors |
Daredevil 158 Universal
Miller's Daredevil run begins. Black Window appearance.
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Powerful Pollard Cover! |
Fantastic Four 206 Modern
Pollard could draw a powerful cover! For a time he was both the regular Spider-man and FF artist concurrently. Not many artist can make that claim!
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Godzilla side by side with Devil Dinosaur |
Godzilla 22 Modern
Trimpe/Abel cover and art. Devil Dinosaur and Fantastic Four appearance.
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Final Issue* |
Howard the Duck 31 Universal
Howard The Duck (1976) was cancelled May 1979 with issue 31. 7 years later in 1986 #32 and #33 were published around the same time "Howard The Duck" Motion Picture was released.
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Powerful Cockrum/Layton Cover |
Iron Man 122 Modern
Cockrum/Layton Cover
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Ditko Cover inks. Hulk vs Machine Man |
Incredible Hulk 235 Modern
Ditko returns to Marvel! The inking on this cover was his first Marvel assignment upon his rejoining "the bullpen", however it was the and published. A few weeks earlier his Cover to Marvel Triple Action 47 hit the stands.
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Perez/Austin Cover, Claremont story |
John Carter, Warlord of Mars 24 Modern
Original picked this book up in the early 1980's for the amazing cover. Which was before I even knew who George Perez was :) A surprisingly difficult book for me to track down in 9.8
Perez/Austin Cover, Claremont story
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Love the early 70's cover with the late 70's trade dress |
Marvel Tales 103 Modern
Marvel Tales represented at one time the main way to introduce new readers to past Spidey adventures. This particular book was my first exposure to at the time non-present Spider-man.
Note the then current Marvel's TV Sensation Blurb. While that was the case for the Hulk TV Show, Spider-man was cancelled after it's first handful of episodes and the remaining were burned off during Summer re-run season :)
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Spider-Man and Santana |
Marvel Team-Up 81 Modern
"Death of Satana". Dr Strange and Clea appearance.
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Signed by Frank Miller. Classic Perez Cover, Byrne Interiors |
Marvel Two-In-One 51 Signature
Signed by Frank Miller. Perez/Sinnott Cover, Miller/McLeod interiors.
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Final Issue. Pollard at top of his game Cover. |
Nova 25 Universal
Great Nova image on this eye catching cover by Pollard! Sadly my first issue of Nova was the titles last :(
May 1979 (Feb 1979 on-sale) was Marvel's mini-version of the "DC implosion". Nova and 8 other books were cancelled or announced as cancelled that month.
Black Panther
Captain Marvel
Howard The Duck *revived for a few issues 7 years later as part of gimmick for the HTD film (flop)
Invaders *revived for one issue months later
John Carter * revived a few months later for several issue due to contractual obligations
Red Sonja
Rawhide Kid
Spotlight (Hanna-Barbera)
John Carter * revived a few months later for several issue due to contractual obligations
Red Sonja
Rawhide Kid
Spotlight (Hanna-Barbera)
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Final Issue |
Red Sonja 15 Modern
May 1979 (Feb 1979 on-sale) was Marvel's mini-version of the "DC implosion". Red Sonja and 8 other books were cancelled or announced as cancelled that month.
Black Panther
Captain Marvel
Howard The Duck *revived for a few issues 7 years later as part of gimmick for the HTD film (flop)
Invaders *revived for one issue months later
John Carter * revived a few months later for several issue due to contractual obligations
Red Sonja
Rawhide Kid
Spotlight (Hanna-Barbera)
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Bill Sienkiewicz's 2nd Published Cover! |
Spider-Woman 14 Universal
Bill Sienkiewicz's 2nd Published cover! Cover inks by Tom Palmer
Infantino/Gordon interiors.
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Top to Bottom, Left to Right, That Rading Stuff is Out of Sight |
Spidey Super Stories 40 Modern
I do recall reading Spidey #40 as small child while eating a Boar's Head Bologna sandwich. Memories can be funny when ever I see the front cover I think of that sandwich. Possibly as the last last 2 decades I've had to avoid fats and sodium, thus no more of sandwiches for me.
Note the back cover! Released around the time "King Tut" craze was sweeping the United States. As very small child i did visit the traveling exhibit on a school trip - I do wish I had been old enough to recall it...
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The less said about this issue the better :( |
Super-Villain Team-Up 16 Universal
Skull Cube cover.
Had this book as child and my opinion has not changed. It is a poorly executed and rather vile story subject matter. The manner in which the story was presented was not proper for children. Had it been handled with more care perhaps it could have been a learning opportunity? The less said about this issue the better.
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John Buscema Tarzan cover |
Tarzan 24 Modern
Every collection should have a John Buscema Tarzan cover it in! This one is mine. No special memories attached for me on the book, just a fan of the excellent artwork.
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1st Full Alpha Flight |
X-Men 121 Modern
The cover to X-Men 121 (1979) was the first image of the X-Men I ever saw. Picked it up while on the way to Dr Appointment, while reading it in the waiting room. One of the other kids, who was also reading a comic, said to me "who are the X-Men" my response don't know but the art is great... Little did I know :)
Still have my original copy and searched for years to find a 9.8 or raw 9.8 candidate that has the same exact cover wrap as my first copy.
To some this book represents the first Full Alpha Flight or the amazing Classic Cockrum/Austin cover with Byrne/Austin interiors, to be it represents a childhood memory.
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