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Avengers Issue number#52

Category:  Other
Owner:  Robin Bain
Last Modified:  10/13/2024
Set Description
This set is made up of my high grade copy of this issue featuring the Black Panther joining the Avengers, and Black Panther issue number#213 (the "Stormbreaker's Variant Cover") with a re-imagined Avengers #52 cover

Set Goals
I am not aiming to add any more comics as the purpose of the two issues in it is to display the original and modern versions of their covers

Slot Name
Item Description
Owner Comments
Black Panther joins the Avengers Avengers 52 Universal 9.6 First appearance of the Grim Reaper (Eric Williams). Black Panther joins the Avengers. White pages. I purchased it from Comiclink in July 2016. The comic,(plus a Black Panther issue with a re-imagined cover of the Avengers comic) feature as a custom set in my Custom Set. View Comic
Re-imagined cover of Avengers issue number#52 Black Panther 1 Modern 9.6 Black Panther issue number #213. "Stormbreaker's Variant Cover." New version of the cover of Avengers issue number #52, the original of which can be found in my Avengers "#1-#503 in the U.K." set, (first appearance of the Grim Reaper and Black Panther joins the Avengers). White pages. I purchased it from Forbidden Planet in London when it was published and had it slabbed by CGC in November 2023 View Comic

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