The Red Haired Woman Onslaught!
Red Sonja 1
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Red Sonja 1 Modern
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Owner's Description
Based on Robert E Howards Red Sonja. 1st Ongoing series, I believe, I own a raw copy of this to read as well. Red Sonja finds a Unicorn and the nearby residing jungle habitation want the animal's horn. They succeed in getting it, but it grows back! Now they want to use the horn in a "recipe" book of the supernatural to gain powers! Red Sonja wants to save the Unicorn! A striking cover that uses all the elements: strong male and female characters, brute force, tenderness, magic, and mythical. Just a lot to love with this heroine series, and they went on for a while, do not despise small beginnings. A great fuller story of the red-headed barbarian who can hold her own, against the whims and temptations of the wild. A taming sort of attitude, while being wild inside and full of spirit. Tally-ho! It isn't quite the same ring in comparison, is it?
Complete with a back cover picture of the following ongoing series, a raw, given to me by friendly boardie frozentundraguy! We had worked out a sale, but he was generous and threw in some high-grade readers for free!
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