Invincible, The One Tough Hombre!
Invincible 144

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Comic Description: Invincible 144 Modern
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 3878720020


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: Invincible, The One Tough Hombre!  Score: 32
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

1st New Kid Invincible, 1st of a New Invincible as well!! A last issue of sorts, sorting out the old and introducing the new, we've got an Invincible Heritage! Make it ongoing? We shall see! To state again, I hope the writing gets picked up again is a bit of an understatement. If we got what we wanted all at once, we'd be spoiled. a lesson from the book that is as true in the beginning as the end. Needing to keep tutelage and always learning. If you don't push yourself, then you're resting, which is always needed. Just make sure you've taught someone to carry on if needed. Bought raw at my favorite DVD store and NM+! I'll take that and a Coke. Closure of a series that gets off in one direction to come in with a swift conclusion. Creators and artists making names for themselves, going on to attend Comic-Con, yeehaw! That will draw a crowd.

Complete with a back cover picture of Jonboy Meyers rocking the tumult of a beating, which is typical of the Invincible suit, which I assume has to be washed over and over, and almost more prominent than a Batman. Those are the breaks sometimes, but when picked up from a toy show at $20 and near mint at that, got to take that to the bank. Especially when this 2022 issue may spur another volume of the Invincible series! In fact, my friend Chad visiting from Australia, boardie Punisherpunisherpunisher, bought it for me for the gas to travel and bin dive!

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