We've got a Ton OF FUN, with Stan Lee and Romita, and yes, you've got Steve Ditko too! It's all here available for you. Still to keep up with the most misunderstood high school student in this set, you've got to read between the lines! Realize what it costs to have great power, and that it comes with great responsibility! A coined phrase by Stan, and it isn't overused early on. It stands the test of time and story, holds up in film and in video games. This moral is the height of Spider-man lore!
Spider-man Spider-man Does Whatever a Spider-can!
Early on showing the plights of a high school and those inner dwellings within the thoughts, as well minds, and times of imperfection and, well, working it all out as an adolescent. None other than the teenagers of the 1960's, and then beyond, could we find the traditions that are as old as time. With new revelations and new circumstances, the heroes of this era need look within to then perceive without. It doesn't stop those "forces that be" from seeming common, or even uncommon in force, when it then comes to "powers" that then seem supernatural. As those responsibilities are transferred upon the regular human interactions of a high school, it is a kick in the pants. With work and play being blurred, it becomes seemingly transferrable to life choices, and as it rains it pours. Spidey now getting "powers" of his own has then only proven to himself that it is a possible outcome, and now with what responsibility are these decisions to make of the future! Only seeing how it affects others and recompensing to absolve those would be bad guys and gals, it is time to dish out and teach those lessons learned upon those who would use them for evil. Lookout! We'll need a high school to keep levelheaded and keep our bearings to otherwise reign in the feelings among the responsibilities. When there are not as many that are likeminded as an Amazing Spider-man, in walks the true believer of Marvel of Comics!