Under copies, and also signature series. We need to tag in the Hulk to tackle this set! Creator Stan Lee fashioned the Hulk in his origin, and it was in the Stan think tank, due to something nuclear. Creators keep lining them up and the Hulk comes to grips ON HIS OWN TERMS. There is no stopping the strong arm! Even an appearance by Quasar and others like the Raccoon called "Rocket!" These pages have the Hulk in prison trying to help the Cracker Jacks of the world. No one is too late to be helped by the Hulk.
The "Complete with Variants" set is still almost getting too rich for my blood but tell that to the stack of hulk comics to be read. It's as if they're plucking Hulks like monkeys from a barrel! I just don't want them to be over after reading.
Lastly the Hulk is doing as he pleases and is usually what he wants, but the pesky writers and creators are becoming used to testing the Hulk's usefulness. The thinking is that he does not always need to be a brute force, though mostly he is early on, is something for them to consider. In some cases the Hulk becomes fleshed out to something bigger and stronger than he already is! Hulk has mortal enemies, and some not so much, as he himself within his inner struggle becomes simple and helps out his neighbor, which is immortally "the way!" Taking it one day at a time usually brings the Hulk to his knees, and in solitude prayer or thoughts he himself slowly understands to "make do" with his intelligence! By what rhyme or reason, he didn't know at first, but takes a gamble. With most often his brute force being that two-sided coin. The flip side is arguably that his own conscience wins out over his fisticuffs mentality. Not overly concerned for himself when as impenetrable, he takes thought or whimsy to certain lowly humans.