The Mystique issues. The one that pretends to get close, then whack! Like a ton of bricks, it seems too close to home. A Raven of Mystique can be too close for comfort. They tag her as the mother of Rogue and Nightcrawler, and not to end it there, she gets away with more than a few crimes. Ulterior motives will have to suffice when Mystique enters the picture, because if you corner her, rest assured it will not pan out in your favor!
This says it all about the Mystique of Ms. Marvel, who is in herself the only way out, double cross or not she has to get free to villain another day! Ha-ha that is the Mystique motherly way!
I will say it is not all bad for Ms. Marvel and as with any Alter ego, for Carol Danvers. This set shows the shift changer Mystique, but Carol has gone through shifting herself as a decade's long saga, and it is usually used for good, and I don't even know if it could be said on purpose. Despite her plight of going through the same change that she has met in villains such as Mystique, the turnaround and or choice in a higher power is some respect achieved and not promised but can be seen with or without an AlterEgo! Life is not without its mishaps and that is putting it lightly, when in the situation itself duration can depend on many things and is often unique to the person rather than circumstances. We cannot play it off as just another day on earth! With a purpose to forgive if just to help ourselves to another breath, in love, hope, and the longing to cherish that we exist, and to teach with empathy from a "good" place! The best we can do, is the best we can do, and the best we can.