I have the raws to read, and seemingly they (the runaways) have stumbled onto just what has been happening with the adults who are around! It smelled fishy so they're out to investigate. Will this give them new powers and responsibilities? Does this also give them the "excuse" to feel, and do as "they" feel, or will they also inherit the ability to become the "adults" in the situation? In other words, there are many runaways throughout this universe. Just looking to cope or make do, with these discoveries and hidden secrets.
The Runaways was a television show or somewhat a streaming but also has had several comic iterations that I still found in the dollar bins but is nice to own some slabs too.
"Run away, run away!" ~ Monty Python. Coming in as the most skilled and tested adversary, for collectors it may indeed be the bin dives for the treasures found and not picked up to walk away unscathed. No need to call in the "Holy Hand Grenade!" It is all in a day's journey to lay hold of the issues of books that got away. Some raws or books bought and picked up sight unseen, can wrestle the collector into then picking up a slab in order to rest easy. Many are these impulse pick-ups and after a while, it all accumulates and can be seen in the big picture, that the Runaways were some "ok" reads worth their salt. Such is the ambition of younger people to answer for the ways that they were brought up, whether in collecting, haggling, or by way of their usual superhero power aka bargaining, of what they will then do with the otherwise so called traditions they've inherited. Such are the powers that be in the Runaways that are brought in by way of real-world hobby translations.