Long time story, long time Fable even? IS the Excalibur all that it has been made out to be? This isn't so much a sword of the lake story, as it is more a band of misfits, that keep to the area of Britannia! Got to keep that world vision while the spirit of a Nation needs HELP! These individuals, of whom, can pick their jurisdiction to help and uphold their brand of justice. Sometimes different rulings can be found, and the gripping precautions taken are the beliefs and morals found at that day and time.
Excalibur is the stuff of legends, but it is still a lethal enough force to strike intimidation and or inspire, a leadership take! We'll in England and that part of the world of course.
Polishing swords in a pond to then give away with a quivering voice, speaks to the sword in the stone from beyond a river, ocean, and ultimately used for correction. Reproofing by the word and able to signify its importance and Excalibur is made the tone for an all important decision! Do we start a band? A band of mutant and or another like, "In the garage, Kitty Pryde and Nightcrawler too!" Awaiting us in pages? Don't mind if I do, when I recall the copper age and unfolding wraparound covers after seeing them on the stands wondering what it is that a Wolverine is going to do and what he has been through. It compasses direction now that Magneto is not the biggest sorrow, but instead a healing factor and, "Will he see tomorrow?"