Bom, Bom, Bom, Bombabom, Bombabom. No, it's not, "Here comes the bride???" It IS Here comes the Dark Side, full of red-light saber fun. In every way we needed more action, be it good and bad... guys and girls. Fan boy 'ing over the Vader has been going on for years, and we feel that is only scratching the surface. Does it mean the end of the Jedi? or the Knights? Enter Doctor Aphra to make all our woes seem nonexistent? It takes a new droid and some slide of hand too.
Darth Vader is coming, beware your plans and lock up the devices of wisdom, as the Darkside may see the end in a different way! That is the Vader who evades justice, but somehow makes it his own way.
Evading has never been clever for Darth. Yes, he does have semantics, which I'm sure comes up a lot, but he basically just faces everything head on. Like Indiana Jones and a boulder, it is all about the drama, and Darth Vader is ecstatic to become your example. With children and or offspring rebelling it isn't a tale of getting along but one that is to "fear and be proven strong!" Say he wins the universe, then what? Essentially all villains probably want to be sipping tequila on a beach anyway, but they want to own the beach! I'm not sure if it is all about the killing and suffering, but Vader and his piers sure make it look that way. After all it took some serious coin to destroy planets, and that force thing is to become a reckoning if ever left to its own desires of the "Dark!"