Set Description:
Our Family has a hunting cabin and a lake house up in Northern Wisconsin growing up. So I grew up seeing Smokey point his finger at me on posters, signs, billboards, etc, up there telling me, "Remember.....Only you can prevent Forest Fires!" Smokey Bear made quite a lasting impression on me. I actually never played with matches.
He was/is a great mascot and spokesperson for our Parks, Forest Service, DNR, Schools and many other agencies. Therefore I felt it was needed to request a set for Smokey Bear admirers and supporters. Besides, Smokey has been on too many comic covers, promos and giveaways not to have a set dedicated to him. For those of you who aren't aware of Smokey's journeys and how and why he came to be....please check out Its a neat national, historical and marketing story.
Now as a Father, I find great enjoyment taking my my eldest son, who is three, up the cabin in fall and to the lake in summer and see him pretend to be Smokey and Point his finger at his younger Brother and say "ReMEMBER - Ownleee u can Peevent Fore-est fi-ers!!" "Ownlee adults touch mat-chez,!" "I like Smokey Bear Da-Da - he's Cool! My youngest too grew to admire Smokey and his story.
Smokey Bear continues to befriend and educate another generation of my family!!