CGC Registry

Rick & Morty In New Jersey

Set Type: Rick and Morty Presents (All Variants)
Owner: peter.l
Last Modified: 11/8/2023
Views: 164

Rank: 1
Score: 2248
Leading by: 1952
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:

Back in the 90s I would have called it a momentary lapse of reason that had brought me to this point in niche collecting, but Rick summarized it much better for me recently—

Primitive humans! Feast your eyes on the pinnacle of your eventual evolution!
— Rick Sanchez (way way back in the day)

Rick and Morty 2015 (Complete with Variants)

Rick and Morty 2023 (Complete with Variants)

Rick and Morty Presents (All Variants)

Rick and Morty Mini-Series & One-Shots (All Variants)

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