CGC Registry

Dark Batcave Dreams

Set Type: Detective Comics #501-#600
Owner: Tec-Tac-Toe
Last Modified: 6/30/2018
Views: 799

Rank: 4
Score: 3624
Leading by: 807
Points to Higher Rank: 1140

Set Description:

Set Title: Dark Batcave Dreams (so named because, well, it sounds bloody awesome)

Detective Comics issue numbers 501 to 600 are quite a fun read with some great stories, beautiful covers and fantastic interior art.

As I write in my Detective Comics 401 to 500 set, I purchased every issue in this set off the newsstand and, later, dedicated comic book stores, including Sunshine Comics and A&M Comics, both located in Miami, FL (although Sunshine Comics did, since perhaps the early- or mid-1990s, commence focusing on Role Playing Games, changing the business name to Sunshine Adventure Gaming. As of June 30, 2018, Sunshine Adventure Gaming is no loner a going concern), purchasing several copies of each issue. However, as with my Detective Comics 401 to 500 set, every comic book in this set was purchased slabbed as I have not had any of my original owner Detective Comics 501 to 600 graded; perhaps some day when I have an opportunity to grade them and see which will make the CGC 9.8 (or 9.6, 9.4, or ?) grade cut.

I took a few years off from building this set in order to concentrate on my Detective Comics 401 to 500 set. Although my main focus is still that set, I decided just before the close of the 2016 CGC Registry Awards to again start building this set. Completing this set is a "long-term" project as I will only purchase issues for it that have a perfectly centered cover wrap, white pages, and are CGC graded 9.8 or higher.

I hope you enjoy reviewing the comic books in this set as much as I am enjoying putting this run together.

Pedigree, or at least "semi-pedigree" issues in this set include:

Golden State Copy






553 ( One of my favorite issues in this run. As of the June 7, 2016, CGC census update, there were four (4) copies of this issue at 9.8)


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